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Impossible daily snowflake objective?


Rookie 1
This is crazy!! The data must be quite complicated and very sensitive. They really don?t have a system to test this stuff before it gets to us?? First, the rollout of showdown was bugged, now this....then people with the pass are supposed to get a discounted auction tax...instead they pay 20 instead of 10???

Are u guys genuinely surprised...?? At this point if there were no glitches i would be surprised..lol

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Unfortunately, you're correct. It's been par the course in the past, I just.....and I know this is a WILD concept....I just thought maybe they'd LEARN from their glitch mistakes, somehow. That's why I think it has to be some weird data issues that only appear when things go live....I want to believe they are more capable.

Going by what has transpired the past few weeks, I'd say your faith in their abilities are somewhat misplaced. lol

Not surprised there are bugs in software, it happens all the time. But it's surprising their QA can keep their jobs because the glitches we've seen happen at the beginning of these promos are basic things you test rigorously before rolling it out to production, especially when it involves revenue.
The Impact Challenge are now fixed, after the maintenance
So you really have to do 10 of them now?

Edit: Confirmed this is the fix. Curious to say the least. Also, appears they fixed the AH fee for Snow Pass (says 8% now)

Well, my guess is they realized the vast majority of folks decided they'd rather eat sand than grind Impact for 3 baskets for 1 token/30stamina...and this is their way of shoving it down our throats lol. Be honest. Outside of first win, how many impacts do you do?? :lol: :lol: :lol:


All-Star 1
The Impact Challenge are now fixed, after the maintenance
So you really have to do 10 of them now?

Edit: Confirmed this is the fix. Curious to say the least. Also, appears they fixed the AH fee for Snow Pass (says 8% now)

Well, my guess is they realized the vast majority of folks decided they'd rather eat sand than grind Impact for 3 baskets for 1 token/30stamina...and this is their way of shoving it down our throats lol. Be honest. Outside of first win, how many impacts do you do?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I only play the gold event first win. I think I was a couple gold to elite impact tokens short when the reduced ones were released so I may have done a couple to finish those sets. Otherwise, it's a complete waste of time in my opinion. What's the point of giving 14 elites tokens per week when there's no way you're going to complete it EVERY week?! Not well thought out at all...
So you really have to do 10 of them now?

Edit: Confirmed this is the fix. Curious to say the least. Also, appears they fixed the AH fee for Snow Pass (says 8% now)

Well, my guess is they realized the vast majority of folks decided they'd rather eat sand than grind Impact for 3 baskets for 1 token/30stamina...and this is their way of shoving it down our throats lol. Be honest. Outside of first win, how many impacts do you do?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I only play the gold event first win. I think I was a couple gold to elite impact tokens short when the reduced ones were released so I may have done a couple to finish those sets. Otherwise, it's a complete waste of time in my opinion. What's the point of giving 14 elites tokens per week when there's no way you're going to complete it EVERY week?! Not well thought out at all...

Exactly what I mean, lol. The only time I focused on grinding the gold outside of first win was the first week when Flashback had the bugged to heck JR event.


All-Star 1
Well, my guess is they realized the vast majority of folks decided they'd rather eat sand than grind Impact for 3 baskets for 1 token/30stamina...and this is their way of shoving it down our throats lol. Be honest. Outside of first win, how many impacts do you do?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I only play the gold event first win. I think I was a couple gold to elite impact tokens short when the reduced ones were released so I may have done a couple to finish those sets. Otherwise, it's a complete waste of time in my opinion. What's the point of giving 14 elites tokens per week when there's no way you're going to complete it EVERY week?! Not well thought out at all...

Exactly what I mean, lol. The only time I focused on grinding the gold outside of first win was the first week when Flashback had the bugged to heck JR event.
To summarize, you believe this is how EA has approached the Impact Player Event:

Step 1: Create an event where you have to drain almost 90% of your free weekly stamina (quick math is 10k stamina per week, 2 elites requires 28 tokens, 14x impact tokens at 25 stamina per is 350 stamina, 14x other impact tokens is 350 gold tokens less 42 tokens obtained from 150 stamina of first wins is 308 tokens x 30 stamina per token is 9,240 + 150 = 9,390 stamina - throw in 350 stamina per week from the free event and voila you need just about 9000 stamina to complete the 2 elites)
Step 2: Stamina requirement wasn't really enough so decide to make the OVR boost temporary AND make it decrease approx. 1 week after you obtain the elites. All this when said OVR of impact players is "readily available" in the AH permanently
Step 3: Realize that the event you created wasn't well thought out in advance of releasing it
Step 4: Rather than change said event permanently, lower the requirement for one cycle
Step 5: Realize that lowering the requirement of said event still didn't move the proverbial needle
Step 6: Incorporate said poorly designed event into the next promo
Step 7: Double down on said poorly designed event in the next promo by making the daily requirement almost one full stamina daily (for most players)

To all this, I say BRILLIANT work on EA's part...absolutely brilliant. :lol:


All-Star 1
What are you talking about? You can get the 87 Magic without even trying. And there's another part to the promo -probably more substantial- that we haven't even seen. Sheesh
I only play the gold event first win. I think I was a couple gold to elite impact tokens short when the reduced ones were released so I may have done a couple to finish those sets. Otherwise, it's a complete waste of time in my opinion. What's the point of giving 14 elites tokens per week when there's no way you're going to complete it EVERY week?! Not well thought out at all...

Exactly what I mean, lol. The only time I focused on grinding the gold outside of first win was the first week when Flashback had the bugged to heck JR event.
To summarize, you believe this is how EA has approached the Impact Player Event:

Step 1: Create an event where you have to drain almost 90% of your free weekly stamina (quick math is 10k stamina per week, 2 elites requires 28 tokens, 14x impact tokens at 25 stamina per is 350 stamina, 14x other impact tokens is 350 gold tokens less 42 tokens obtained from 150 stamina of first wins is 308 tokens x 30 stamina per token is 9,240 + 150 = 9,390 stamina - throw in 350 stamina per week from the free event and voila you need just about 9000 stamina to complete the 2 elites)
Step 2: Stamina requirement wasn't really enough so decide to make the OVR boost temporary AND make it decrease approx. 1 week after you obtain the elites. All this when said OVR of impact players is "readily available" in the AH permanently
Step 3: Realize that the event you created wasn't well thought out in advance of releasing it
Step 4: Rather than change said event permanently, lower the requirement for one cycle
Step 5: Realize that lowering the requirement of said event still didn't move the proverbial needle
Step 6: Incorporate said poorly designed event into the next promo
Step 7: Double down on said poorly designed event in the next promo by making the daily requirement almost one full stamina daily (for most players)

To all this, I say BRILLIANT work on EA's part...absolutely brilliant. :lol:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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