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I'm at 104 advise needed


Rookie 3

I'm new to the game I have been playing for 30 days or less Looking for advice on how to improve the team. Also having a hard time building the evolution side don't quite understand how things work other than I can see it's very expensive to upgrade the players.


All-Star 3
Keep grinding as of now.. ur lineup is looking good for 30days..

What's ur coin status like..

Dont worry abt ur evolution lineup.. no significance for u rt now


Rookie 3
Keep grinding as of now.. ur lineup is looking good for 30days..

What's ur coin status like..

Dont worry abt ur evolution lineup.. no significance for u rt now
800k however I spent about 400,000 on three players which was foolish


All-Star 3
the only reason why I was worried about the evolution lineup is trying to get the player for 110
Ok. Keep the coins for now..
The evolution lineup is too costly for u to upgrade at this point .. so better not spend any coin on it..
Focus on the promos


Rookie 3
Ok. Keep the coins for now..
The evolution lineup is too costly for u to upgrade at this point .. so better not spend any coin on it..
Focus on the promos
I appreciate the feedback I'm currently collected two players in the July 4th promo and I am 23,000 flags away from being able to upgrade one of them till 106, not sure if I'll get that in two days and 4 hours, I'm also of course working on the bulls promotion I've gotten one 104 player and I have 20 game bulls to play which if I keep playing the same game will only give me 15 shirts on each one which only equals 60 which won't get me from the 260 to the 450 I need for the next bulls player any suggestions? Also the time promo I'm at 103 for the player with 7 time tokens I get anywhere from 7 to 10 tokens a day meaning de 50 upgrade to 105 is it going to take me approximately 5 to 7 days I think I'll run out of time before I can get the next 80 tokens or to the hundred token by about three days to four days to the 100 token 107 upgrade if you have any strategies or suggestions I would definitely appreciate them


All-Star 3
1. 4th july promo - u will get to the ability token.. admiral is gonna be tough
2. Bulls promo - 450 will be tough.. but since it's a free promo.. no harm trying
3. Vince promo - not counting the 7 u have.. u need 160 more to finish the 107.
3 events daily - 95 tokens
Flash objectives daily - 6 tokens
Daily objectives - 19
Coin packs- 19
I would suggest doing the flashback events and the gotw events.. in 2 weeks times ull have enuf to do the sets..to get u extra tokens.. also ull earn enuf nba cash to get the remaining tokens to complete the set


Pro 1
Ahhh, I remember those days. It’s a very fun time. Every other card you get is a fit on your main lineup. Enjoy.


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