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idea to promote this site


Rookie 3
guys i have some plans to promote this site they are
1] we have more than 50 members here and 15 fully active of them like stewie,aramwot,torchbeak,me etc will make atleast 2-3 alt act on gg and will make threads about this topic but only 1 thread at one time and we have to select a time slot when none of the mods will be online there and we have to post the thread on nbalm discussions so more people will see it

2] the 20000 people group on fb will be a great place to promote this site

but all we need is support of fellow users here


Rookie 2
That's fine and all, we're not in a rush yet. I plan to send PM's that won't get caught in the spam filter, but I still have some work to finish and the site itself is still getting updated every day.
But yeah, as soon as all that's done, the invasion starts.


Rookie 3
That's fine and all, we're not in a rush yet. I plan to send PM's that won't get caught in the spam filter, but I still have some work to finish and the site itself is still getting updated every day.
But yeah, as soon as all that's done, the invasion starts.

yes we still have about 42 days left and we have to get atleast 500 people here in 20 days


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