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I’m Out - Good Luck Guys


Rookie 1
I don’t want this to come off as grandstanding or self-righteous. But, it might. Unavoidable. This isn’t a rage or rash decision. It’s something that has been in a cost/benefit analysis for many months. Every decision we make, even when to cross the street, is based on cost/benefit (risk/reward).

I’m leaving NBALM. My decision was rather obvious given the last few months. The only thing holding me in were the friendships I’ve forged with my league mates. That’s the tough part.

I won’t be a dupe anymore. I’m tired of being lied to. I’m tired of being recklessly misled. I’m tired of EA Brian, whether he is acting as an EA shill or on his own. I’m tired of the costs continuously lurching higher. I’m tired of sketchy, inconsistent gameplay. I’m tired of card and team nerfs. I’m tired of mindless, unimaginative copy/paste campaigns. I’m tired of league cheating, and EA not doing anything about it. I’m tired of planning based on what EA tells us, only to have the rug pulled out, resulting in wasted effort, time, and money. I’m tired of being treated like a child by a petulant punk (starts with a “B”) and corrupt corporation.

Had I and others not been deceived about S4, we could have had 10s of millions more in coins, something that has actual value (especially with the auction house cap as high as it is now for 82 cards - over 2 mil.)

This started back when they (Brian?) messed around with SD at the start of S3 and made the rewards terrible. It became more acute when Brian (and others presumably, but he has *made* himself the face of this) screwed all SD grinders by changing the rewards/system for 107 SD masters. And of course the final straw was what we were told, leading to prep for S4, and what actually was revealed yesterday. This game (company) gets away with bait and switch over and over and over.

My first decision was whether I was willing to spend any further on this game? That’s a big “no.” Not a penny. Second decision was whether I was willing to try the no money spent route. I have neither the patience nor time for that. My third and hardest decision was my league mates, but if I’m not willing to spend and not willing to go hardcore f2p, then my team will soon be worthless to the league anyway.

Like most of us, I have a life. I have a full life with many aspects to it. I’m a grown f###ing adult. I will no longer be “played” by a company (and employee) who produce (misinform) a game that is supposed to be “played” by me.

Good luck, fellas. This is a really good forum. My decision is purely personal and individual. Like anything else in the marketplace, I vote with my dollars and my time. I hope you continue to enjoy the game. (Or, better, some other game.)


I feel you and to me, you're making a smart move man!!!! We should all leave this game.. I'm trying to leave this game. 😀

My thoughts exactly after playing for 3 weeks last season as I joined late... then I uninstalled for a week and played again a week before the new Season Started, curious if maybe things could get better.

Then I learned after 3 days playing this season that this season is much worse!!!!! I'm an adult as well, finished a project a couple months back and now looking to kill some times while looking for work, I wish I got better things to do other than surfing sleeping and eating 🤣, it's not enough I need more activity haha. So I keep playing.

I haven't even bother installing COD because I'm afraid it will be just like PUBG, too many cheaters...

I spent $30 last season, in 2 weeks... nothing basically if the game is fine, but what I got was AH down right after my purchase. I quickly demand refund to iTunes Store team, and I received full refund for that. I promised myself, no more $$$ will be spent on NBALM, not a peny. The developer is way too greedy.

The game is rewardless, fkced up.

To be honest, if there is adrenaline rush, fair rewards... i wouldn't mind spending $$$, even regularly. But this? I'd rather spend my cash on Spicy Ramen every day Lol.

They basically aim to earn double than last season... the price of items sold are SO HIGH and the cost of playing is getting even higher.


Rookie 1
T TomH I don't blame ya. I'm not as certain as you but I'm close. I don't know if I can spend another minute shooting, dunking and avoiding zones. PLEASE try Call of Duty mobile. It's a fantastic game that doesn't demand your hard earned money and is way more fun. If you decide to try it and like it consider joining our clan. Half my leagemates from NBALM are already loving it. Now I see why 4katosh quit playing this game.
P.S Just don't play the battle royale mode. Multiplayer matches are the way to go.

Hey brother, any cheater there? PUBG cheaters got me frustrated and feel traumatised to play such a game. I'm good enough on shooting game but to be killed by cheater I feel like i wanna find and punch them myself 🤣🤣🤣🤣


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Sad to see you go but I understand but thank you for your contributions here it's not often you see people at the top echelon of teams on community websites so it was nice to pick the brain of such person for reviews and insight so thanks for being here and providing those things for everyone interested


Rookie 1
First time here and Tom H I feel your pain which has led me to the same decision...after today's lvl I've had enough. I'm not going to deal with the same frustration as last year with the overpowering AI...in 2 qrts they had 15 offensive rebounds to my 0 defensive and most of them my guy had position. I've been on a top 50 league for 2 yrs and dealing with the cheaters has also led to this decision because that probably won't change either....good luck everyone


Rookie 1
So long everyone.

this latest Tip-Off blunder was the final straw for me.
If they managed to mess up the first event of the season which they supposedly focused the past 2 months preparing, i can only imagine what else is in store for everyone through out the year.

Bugs: plenty
Nerfing: worse than season 3 so far. it occurs even more often now.
Rigged gameplay: invisible force fields. blocks by players from behind the shooter. team AI avoiding the rim on defensive/offensive rebound situations. people getting knocked down and no fouls being called. players stepping out of bounds and more.
Player control: my players don't respond to my commands. many times it try to pass to players other than the ones i intended to (even though the were highlighted) That results it terrible passes to players on the other side of the court that either go out of bounds or get stolen.
Prices: more expensive than last year to say the least.
Energy cost to play: extremely high. cheapest event costs 50 energy (except SD which cost 50 energy up to a few days ago)
Ads: it's a random crap shoot when they will show up. I got 3-4 one day for a few days but that was it. Currently it has been about 48+ hours since last energy refill ad.

Having seen all this and knowing from experience what the previous season was like, this game has lost any credibility with me.

To continue playing it, is to continue being treated like a fool by a company with a long history of similar behavior over the past 10 years.

I will miss this forum and the interesting conversations i've had, but I won't continue this charade any longer.

I started playing this game to have fun and relax.
It's been a while since i've had any.
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