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How you should use Showdown tokens


Rookie 2
Here's some calculations and suggestions on how to best use today's showdown set update to your advantage.

Edit: I miscalculated, unfortunately we have way less time for this.

You can now exchange 10 silver tokens for a gold token every 30 minutes. A gold token is 1/360 of a showdown set master.
At absolute maximum, you can do the exchange 48 times a day, so a card would be built in 7.5 days.

A more realistic scenario if you're available to play 16 hours a day: 32 gold tokens per day, a master in 11.25 days which isn't enough time.
You need to have about 34 elite tokens already made if you want to finish a master set.

Price of one master if you buy tokens from the store - 900k rep (180 packs).

Suggested masters to build for profit/gameplay:
Detlef Schrempf - is one of the best all-around cards in the game, block is his only poor rating. Good for both gameplay & profit.
Hakeem Olajuwon - most I've seen are up for 2+ mil.
Steve Francis - since he's new, you won't see him often...
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Rookie 2
Here's some calculations and suggestions on how to best use today's showdown set update to your advantage.

You can now exchange 10 silver tokens for a gold token every 30 minutes. A gold token is 1/360 of a showdown set master.
At absolute maximum, you can do the exchange 48 times a day, so a card would be built in 2.5 days. We have enough time for 3 platinums, maybe even 4 if you are near completion for another.
A more realistic scenario if you're available to play 16 hours a day: 32 gold tokens per day, a master in 3.75 days.

Price of one master if you buy tokens from the store - 900k rep (180 packs).

Suggested masters to build for profit/gameplay:
Detlef Schrempf - is one of the best all-around cards in the game, block is his only poor rating. Good for both gameplay & profit.
Hakeem Olajuwon - most I've seen are up for 2+ mil.
Steve Francis - since he's new, you won't see him often. Build for profit (about 2.5 mil).
LeBron James - hovering about a 2 mil price, fantastic stats except for rebounding.

Not recommended:
J.Wall - cheapest of them all, mediocre stats.
C.Drexler - 2nd cheapest, is ruined just cause of one stat - most centers now have more than 82 dribbling.

I think something?s wrong with the timeframe in your calculation. You need 320 Gold tokens to build a Plat Player and with a max of 48 gold tokens built from the 10 silver tokens exchange a day, it would take more than 3 days to complete one plat player. (48 x 3 days = 144 Gold tokens) we need 320 so it will be probably take 6-7 days to build one player.

Still a good move ( at least for us) from EA changing the cooldown to 30 mins as it enables us to finish the sets faster and get rid of the glut of Silver tokens we have( 500+).

I am more curious as to what happens with showdown once that timer turns ZERO...


Rookie 2
I think something?s wrong with the timeframe in your calculation. You need 320 Gold tokens to build a Plat Player and with a max of 48 gold tokens built from the 10 silver tokens exchange a day, it would take more than 3 days to complete one plat player. (48 x 3 days = 144 Gold tokens) we need 320 so it will be probably take 6-7 days to build one player.

Still a good move ( at least for us) from EA changing the cooldown to 30 mins as it enables us to finish the sets faster and get rid of the glut of Silver tokens we have( 500+).

I am more curious as to what happens with showdown once that timer turns ZERO...

You are both correct and wrong. I mistook the gold tokens for elites so the timeframe for one master is actually 3 times longer.
It's also 360 tokens, not 320. Too bad, but this will only work if you already have 34 elite tokens made.


All-Star 3
Do you guys think elite tokens will be useless after this week.. have abt 190 tokens and in a dilemna whether to use them or not.. I dont particularly want any of the current masters.. and was saving them for a player I like...


Rookie 3
Staff member
Do you guys think elite tokens will be useless after this week.. have abt 190 tokens and in a dilemna whether to use them or not.. I dont particularly want any of the current masters.. and was saving them for a player I like...

I have about 180 as well, wait for the china-update a few hours before and then make a decision after that.

I'm holding on until then, if it they will be useless I'll get the most expensive player to sell for profit.


Rookie 1
Wait, showdown will be gone? Damn, I need to change my guy quick...considering Hakeem or Lebron!!!!! DAMNNNNN!!!!!


Rookie 2
Wait, showdown will be gone? Damn, I need to change my guy quick...considering Hakeem or Lebron!!!!! DAMNNNNN!!!!!

Don't. This advice is outdated due to the new showdown info we got. Check out this thread before doing anything: http://nbalivecommunity.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=101


Rookie 1
Thanks bud! I havent done anything luckily cos forgot to change the tokens for elite and now good news is they changed to only 100 tokens......I have 200 tokens and now can have 2 elites instead of 1. LBJ PF and Hakeem for me! :) But looks like I will be waiting another one if they have better overall. Hakeem is a must.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Thanks bud! I havent done anything luckily cos forgot to change the tokens for elite and now good news is they changed to only 100 tokens......I have 200 tokens and now can have 2 elites instead of 1. LBJ PF and Hakeem for me! :) But looks like I will be waiting another one if they have better overall. Hakeem is a must.

I'm going to wait until new superstars dropped etc, hopefully many people use up all the tokens now so we can make some decent coin. I've got 240 atm.


Rookie 1
Thanks bud! I havent done anything luckily cos forgot to change the tokens for elite and now good news is they changed to only 100 tokens......I have 200 tokens and now can have 2 elites instead of 1. LBJ PF and Hakeem for me! :) But looks like I will be waiting another one if they have better overall. Hakeem is a must.

I'm going to wait until new superstars dropped etc, hopefully many people use up all the tokens now so we can make some decent coin. I've got 240 atm.

Good idea! I will keep my rest 100 first before deciding.


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