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How many dups you have before getting Royalty Lebron?

Army Nael

Rookie 1
Got mine after a total of 88 duplicate tokens. I want to know if I got it early or late depending on the duplicates count. How many duplicates you guys have before getting Royalty Lebron?


Rookie 1
Got mine after a total of 88 duplicate tokens. I want to know if I got it early or late depending on the duplicates count. How many duplicates you guys have before getting Royalty Lebron?

Around 140 - 170. I was just about to give up when the celtics token finally came. But the waiting was worth, absolutely insane card. Now I'm grinding for Master Harden, only 80 classic events to go :twisted:


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
23 dupes when I got him on day 1 during the big ban issue I got him 3 hours of playing because I used 1,400 cash not expecting it to be over so fast


Rookie 2
23 dupes when I got him on day 1 during the big ban issue I got him 3 hours of playing because I used 1,400 cash not expecting it to be over so fast

Pretty much the same here. Spent most of my cash on refills that day but it worked out cause rare collectible odds were massively lowered from then onward.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
23 dupes when I got him on day 1 during the big ban issue I got him 3 hours of playing because I used 1,400 cash not expecting it to be over so fast

Pretty much the same here. Spent most of my cash on refills that day but it worked out cause rare collectible odds were massively lowered from then onward.

Yep which I as well as many expected to happen after it happened with all the other free live event grind cards in season 1


Rookie 1
Around 300. It was well worth the effort, he was on my lineup for over 3 months until just a couple of days ago, and he's still providing a nice boost on the bench.


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