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How many coal tokens to max Richardson?


Rookie 1
I more interested is Richardson only card for using the coal? Or EA will come out more card for upgrade ?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It requires 635 tokens to max I know someone that used at least 435 to reach 92


Rookie 1
Wow, if this is what the rewards look like i'm probably gonna sell my silver presents as at this rate they'll probably be next gen tokens or some bs


Rookie 1
Found him on my balanced line up bench.
I upgraded Magic also this morning, and i clicked "update line up", I thought that would only put magic in my line ups.
But it resetted all my line ups to the "best line up", so that's how he went to the bench.


Rookie 2
I've gotten him up to 85 over right now. So I have used 30 coal tokens so far, used my remaining 8 to get to 85.5 and now will need to get 7 more tokens to get to 86.

Eventually hopefully he will displace T-mac and Reddick will go to bench.


Rookie 1
Coal requirements:Josh Richardson

Does anyone know the coal requirements for the levels all the way up to 93? I trying to figure out if I?ll be able to grind up to 93, or just sell the elite coals.



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Coal requirements:Josh Richardson

Does anyone know the coal requirements for the levels all the way up to 93? I trying to figure out if I?ll be able to grind up to 93, or just sell the elite coals.


There is already a thread on this with the answer I've merged the threads


Rookie 1
Re: Coal requirements:Josh Richardson

Does anyone know the coal requirements for the levels all the way up to 93? I trying to figure out if I?ll be able to grind up to 93, or just sell the elite coals.


There is already a thread on this with the answer I've merged the threads

Sorry about that! I posted the topic on my phone, and I didn't realize that there was already an existing topic on this question...


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