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How many 101s can a F2P complete in Mobile madness?


Rookie 1
Want 2 of them, but want to know first how many I can actually complete first. Thanks!

Also, amazing new site design... sexy!!


All-Star 1
If you started at the beginning, its possible to get three without boost. You should be able to grind 10 elite tokens per day. Plus you get 8 tokens per player total from the regional brackets once they've all unlocked. Gotta do the math on what you've earned so far with the time left. Without boost it takes 82 elite tokens. With boost, 107.


All-Star 3
Am abt a day away from 101 westbrook without any bonus packs (and missed a day of coin packs). stored bonus packs should get me a second master. so i hope to finish 3. Whether ability or try for the 4th, i will decide in the last week i guess.


All-Star 1
Am abt a day away from 101 westbrook without any bonus packs (and missed a day of coin packs). stored bonus packs should get me a second master. so i hope to finish 3. Whether ability or try for the 4th, i will decide in the last week i guess.
Did you turn in lvl tokens? That helped me a lot. Also still sitting on my bonus packs until 4/1.
lvl tokens sets rotate every 7 days. Bad thing is you never know if the next offer is gonna be better or worse.
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Rookie 1
You can get 3 without boosts. How many of these 3 you can boost depends on the number of bonus packs you have saved up. I have 231 bonus packs saved up, so I can have an extra 46 elite tokens. That means I can get 2 boosted, and 1 non boosted, with one of the boosted player having an ability.


Rookie 1
Today i finished 101 Booker. Before that i finished 101 Westbrook. I opened about 200 bonus packs and i still have about 30 unopened. With about 12 days left is it possible to get 101 Doug and 101 Marvin if im not going for the boost but just for Hakeem?


All-Star 1
Today i finished 101 Booker. Before that i finished 101 Westbrook. I opened about 200 bonus packs and i still have about 30 unopened. With about 12 days left is it possible to get 101 Doug and 101 Marvin if im not going for the boost but just for Hakeem?
If you grind the max per day you'll have just enough. You need 164 tokens. But you'll get 2 for each once the brackets are completely open. So 160 needed - 60 from bonus packs = 100 left in 9 days ( I think that's when it ends). Might have to spend a little NBA cash


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