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How is it possible 2 have the 1st ultimate master already?


Pro 2
I read that it's possible to pull the 105 Nash out of the 5,000 NBA cash Platinum Select Pack....while unlikely.....it's possible.

This pack contains all 100+ players in the game including Nash, the Underdog 103 masters, and 101 Miami Vice Wade.

That DWade card is very rare. It’s an extremely helpful card - the +4 block boosts some players when nothing else does and it boosts to 103 almost automatically. I read a lot of disdain - p2w players spent $350 for that card, stupid, ridiculous. Well, actually p2w players spent zero dollars for that card AND the +4 3 pt court AND the +3 steal jersey and a couple other +3 jerseys. Let me say it again - all of that was FREE. By purchasing the $350 worth of NBA cash you got the points for the whole deal. And you still had the purchased NBA cash you were going to buy someday anyway. That was EA’s giveaway to p2w players. And even if a player only pays occasionally, it was a huge mistake to let it pass assuming one had the money at that moment.
I’d be pissed if I spent a token on Jimmy and had Kyrie or Jokic without it.
I'm using Jimmy with 2 pt clutch & is very good if you know how to use it.
I always run to the spot, so he always does a dunk or a floater. Unblockable for the opponents. They dont even try to defence the floater.

100% effectivity. Cant say the same with the 3pt clutch.


Rookie 1
I'm using Jimmy with 2 pt clutch & is very good if you know how to use it.
I always run to the spot, so he always does a dunk or a floater. Unblockable for the opponents. They dont even try to defence the floater.

100% effectivity. Cant say the same with the 3pt clutch.
Sometimes I got a 3-pt clutch with Butler as well, just did some spins and he magically did a fancy step back outside of the 3-pt arc, but it is just luck, cannot figure out how to do it constantly. One down side is that Butler is a clumsy handler, he often loses the ball to other defenders.


All-Star 1
I'm using Jimmy with 2 pt clutch & is very good if you know how to use it.
I always run to the spot, so he always does a dunk or a floater. Unblockable for the opponents. They dont even try to defence the floater.

100% effectivity. Cant say the same with the 3pt clutch.
I’ve had just the opposite experience. Many off balance clutch animations that don’t go in. I can’t remember the last 3pt clutch I missed. BB on the other hand seems less than 50% from beyond half court.


Rookie 2
Las t week I used a ton of elite tokens (150) to complete two legends just so I could get the 10 Curry tokens that comes by completing 4 player sets. What I wouldn’t give to have those back. I was only able to get Tree Rollins. I had the 5 legends - in the 80s. They can be had in ah cheap. I can’t imaging spending 60k nba cash for one card, even a 105, even for a guy who played for my hometown team. Especially with a 104 pg available by the end of he month.

I had Karl Malone 88 which I definitely remember selling it off on AH for 40k coins as he was getting outdated fast.

I also had one more legend that I converted to SD red ball token because I couldn't fog him off on AH. Finally the last one I can remember- he was 92 ovr- I exchanged w/ another 14 for Elvin Hayes in the elite trade up 3 set.

So I have two legends between 99 to 100 ovr, and until I get two better ones in the next promos, I can't use those to get Nash UL.


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