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How do you guys feel about the extension of harvest?


Rookie 1
I feel that it was just to bide time until the next promo. It was almost like a cash grab. I did like it, though, because I was able to fully complete the harvest campaign and sell Duncan for crazy coin and I have since obtained 82 and maxed to 88 elevate Whiteside so that part was nice. I've made about 4 million coins from the promo between selling players and replacing guys on my squad and I've kept 90 Curry, the tatum, and dikembe, along with getting 88 hayward and whiteside. I really can't complain other than wanting to see what the winter promo brings since it's usually the best one every season.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Damn, there are people that stupid to sell 90 Curry right now? There could be no more PG masters til 2019. His price will rise later.

I don't think it's dumb at all with arguably the biggest promo of the season coming in less than a week he could easily be replaced as the best manual PG (bad AI except for the willingness to shoot 3s) and with all of the stages about to be made auctionable it won't matter too much at all

Is it confirmed that 87 and 89 will be auctionable? That you decrease 90's price for sure.

That's what was said before the promo started I think it was before maybe shortly after the promo started but it was said for sure


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