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How are the shard titans?


Rookie 1
By now some of you may already have some of the shard titans. How is their gameplay? Im thinking of using the shard reroll set on some of them.
Based purely on AI alone, I haven?t been impressed with any of the titans. I haven?t faced Dr. J but have played against all of the others, and ... Meh. The one possible exception might be DJ because all of his cards in the game seem to be pretty good. As for me, I?m not rerolling any of the shards and I?m 10 shards away from getting DJ, Penny and Lowry. 20 shards away give or take for the other three. When I do get the titans, I?ll be plugging them into my bench for the OVR boost or using them for TP.
Exactly what @baileyessrOgs said.

The people I now are putting them in the bench and training them since they are cheaper than others plats.

Also there are better players than them. Master specialist 98 Lebron has better stats than 100 Dr. J, so you will never see someone playing with Dr J as starter over that Lebron.


Rookie 2
They're going to be overall boosters only and that's fine. They're not hard to max so 105 OVR cards on the bench will be very useful.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I'm finding the DJ's game play quite good atm.

Getting positive feedback on his AI too.


Rookie 1
I'm finding the DJ's game play quite good atm.

Getting positive feedback on his AI too.
Definitely his AI is much better than it was weeks ago when I first played against him in SD (he just didn't exist at all, zero activity).. not sure how it works but in S2 EA is messing with players AI. 98 DS Kyrie's AI was just terrible right after release, now - even if it's still not hard to play against him - you can notice it's much better.

The only 2 cards with stable sick AI are master Harden and roy.LeBron.. it's easier to play against them these days when we have +100 players, but they're still super active, making 3s with hand in face, getting rebounds etc.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I'm finding the DJ's game play quite good atm.

Getting positive feedback on his AI too.
Definitely his AI is much better than it was weeks ago when I first played against him in SD (he just didn't exist at all, zero activity).. not sure how it works but in S2 EA is messing with players AI. 98 DS Kyrie's AI was just terrible right after release, now - even if it's still not hard to play against him - you can notice it's much better.

The only 2 cards with stable sick AI are master Harden and roy.LeBron.. it's easier to play against them these days when we have +100 players, but they're still super active, making 3s with hand in face, getting rebounds etc.

Master Harden is alway making shots with hand in face, contested like hell.. so does FMVP K Durant.

However I find 95% of the time neither Master Harden/ Royalty Lebron go for the clutch shot... even when it's wide open.. K Drurant seems to perform better in that regard..

I definitely agree with you on Kyrie's AI.. big difference in game play now... I noticed that a few days ago..
30 shards? That could take months to rack up, no? Guess I?ll finally go ahead and try rerolling my Kemp, dr j and Hayward shards to level up the other three, after I get those guys.
Is it one shard to level up once? Five shards per player to max?
They're going to be overall boosters only and that's fine. They're not hard to max so 105 OVR cards on the bench will be very useful.

No. 30 shards to max. 5 would be ridiculous - a single season reward pack could give you that,


All-Star 1
Pretty sure you can get 30 shards in less than 2 weeks time or at most, 1 full season of showdown (must make it to Legend tier)


All-Star 1
Still haven't heard how many shards it takes to level up. Sounds like first two levels take 4 player specific shards for each level. Haven't heard what's required last that


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Still haven't heard how many shards it takes to level up. Sounds like first two levels take 4 player specific shards for each level. Haven't heard what's required last that

4 for level 2
5 for level 3
6 for level 4
7 for level 5
8 for level 6

They're worth 25k TP a piece so it costs 750k TP in total
Oh if it?s any 30 shards then that should be doable in one SD season. I thought it had to be 30 player specific shards, which I think is highly unlikely to be attainable in one SD season.
Pretty sure you can get 30 shards in less than 2 weeks time or at most, 1 full season of showdown (must make it to Legend tier)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Oh if it?s any 30 shards then that should be doable in one SD season. I thought it had to be 30 player specific shards, which I think is highly unlikely to be attainable in one SD season.
Pretty sure you can get 30 shards in less than 2 weeks time or at most, 1 full season of showdown (must make it to Legend tier)

It has to be of that player so Hayward shards only work on Hayward etc.


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