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Horry calculations


All-Star 3
So im 10/80 on the 101 { lot of bonus packs plus one week court pass).. so need 170 more for 102 (which is not possible i think)

1 per day from coin packs - 22
3 per day from live events - 66
35 gold per day from objectives - 38
3 per day with court pass - 21/42/66 depending on court passes
1 per 2 days from bonus packs - 11
10 per week from daily beats - 30

So totals:
1. From only live events - 66 (enuf for 101 for me)
2. from live events plus objectives - 107
3. LE +CP + MMO = 129
4. Maximum without court pass= 140
(have not factored in 3/7 per week from daily beats sets bcz it depends too much on the player)

Am i missing anything?
U can skip coin packs or daily objectives depending on which horry ur aiming for.
Side benefit of completing the objectives is the b side tokens which can fetch quite a bit in the AH


All-Star 1
Something doesn’t seem right. I’m busy right now but maybe compare your calculation to this one and let us know of any differences.

Edit: Actually, I had a minute. You were conservative on the bonus packs but otherwise I think you’re correct.
Last edited:


Rookie 3
nice, looks right by me also

but the big Q i have is.. the 98 horry's 3pt shooting is fire (101)... the 100 version is just 99.. is he worth the upgrade??
I'm in the same exact situation as you. Got about 12/80 for the 101 and I don't know whether I'll be able to get the 102. This after saving all the bonus packs from last month and buying a court pass.


All-Star 3
I'm in the same exact situation as you. Got about 12/80 for the 101 and I don't know whether I'll be able to get the 102. This after saving all the bonus packs from last month and buying a court pass.
Yup. Same with abt 300 bonus packs and the court pass
@beta.. ya usually conservative with bonus packs for long term estimates as you never know when life gets in the way


All-Star 3
nice, looks right by me also

but the big Q i have is.. the 98 horry's 3pt shooting is fire (101)... the 100 version is just 99.. is he worth the upgrade??
Frankly played a few quarters with the 98 horry. Didnt find the 3 ball that special. Plus the 100 has a better contested shot i think


All-Star 1
I'm stopping at the 100 and banking my bonus packs (in fact started banking today and will finish the 100 with the events).


All-Star 1
Same, started banking since two days .. should finish the 101 just with live events
I suppose if I keep buying the packs and complete objectives I could get pretty close to the 101 with a couple cash packs so it's not inconceivable for me too.


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