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Hi, just discovered this site after nbalive.gg shutdown


Rookie 1
Hello everyone,

Nice to find at last a community for NBA Live Mobile since the NBALive.gg shutdown.
Some familiar usernames I recognise which is great. Been playing ever since mid season 1, played 99% of season 2 until I got really irritated with the final platinum sets and promos and have started with new illusion to S3.



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Welcome we opened up here around May and promoted on GG but bans and warnings were given out because the management there didn't want promotion of this site there because they don't like the people who run it and didn't want to lose ad revenue but they freely advertised their own things to draw away from their ad revenue like some discord server by 4katosh


Rookie 1
thanks to hearasler who hit me up on Muthead. Looking forward to get back to Season 3. Took a nice nap during season 2 a little bit after NYE but hey got a good 10K in cash from the season2 freebies which will come in handy in season3


Rookie 1
thanks to hearasler who hit me up on Muthead. Looking forward to get back to Season 3. Took a nice nap during season 2 a little bit after NYE but hey got a good 10K in cash from the season2 freebies which will come in handy in season3

Welcome bro !


Rookie 3
Staff member
thanks to hearasler who hit me up on Muthead. Looking forward to get back to Season 3. Took a nice nap during season 2 a little bit after NYE but hey got a good 10K in cash from the season2 freebies which will come in handy in season3

Welcome to the boards man !

Enjoy your stay.



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