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Hi guys!


Rookie 1
Hi! I am new here and thanks for inviting me ARAMWOT. Hope this page can give lots of updates and info.
For admin, I hope you will be more flexible and let people speak up they mind as long as still in the positive corridor. Please do not keep warn people for small things such as YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHOUT ON TITLE, DO NOT DISCUSS OLD TOPIC BECAUSE IT IS SOLVED (If admin knows it solved, then please write: solved!). I never been warned like that but seeing such things, I feel lazy to give more opinions.
I think the more people asked about things regarding NBA MOBILE or NBA, the more alive that page is going to be.

Again thank you so much for inviting me. I will try to stay active :) Good luck for this page!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Welcome to the forum nice to have you here I hope you enjoy your time here and I can assure you things will not be run that way if a problem is seen it will be addressed to the best of our ability unlike a certain someone that likes to move threads and adjust titles and then ignore the issue at hand I will be working on a rulebook for the forum which includes disciplinary actions for breaking a specific rule but it will be far more reasonable then what is on the other forum I will run it by the other admins so we're on the same page but I think everyone here will be pleased with how it works out


Rookie 3
Staff member

Thank you for coming and joining our little community - we will make sure it grows into a place that everyone can contribute to in a positive and growth orientated way.

There is be no tyrants here.

For the fans, by the fans.

Welcome aboard!


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