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Hey everyone!


Rookie 1
Hey everyone!

I'm ThreeCavaliers and I'm a new player and a staff member added here to help grow this awesome community. I have years of experience managing online forums and wikis across a bunch of video games and I'm excited to be a part of this collective with you.

Still getting acclimated to the game and it might take me a bit to catch up to most of your levels, but I'll be enjoying the ride. Currently sitting at LV 20 and 97 OVR - gonna keep putting in work!

My favorite NBA team is the Cavs - my username is the reference to the big 3 that finally ended Cleveland's miserable pro sports drought. I follow all Cleveland pro sports teams super closely.

My favorite video game genres are RPGS, loot shooters, and strategy games outside of the sports realm.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!


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