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Help with team


Rookie 1
Hey guys what’s up, coming back tryna figure out how exactly to improve my team, debating on keeping or selling PG/Leonard but not exactly sure wh. ANybody have ideas, tips, comments they want to ad,d? I’m not a beast beast yet but I am trying to make my way up to be 106+
Tips on improve my starting 5, my bench to add boost, hit me with everything guys , drop your ideas ! Thanks


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Rookie 1
First of all you need improve yours bench, yep anatdoc right you have to sell kawhi to get enough coins to buy some players for up your OVR.
Buy 104 Giannis (SF) for replace kahwi place then use the rest of coins from sale of kahwi for buy 104 AD (PF) with boost but without ITP ability (cause if with ITP it's more expensive) to replace the Silas place or you can use him as starting and then play on the 4th of July campaign and reach 61K flags to got one player from 99+ nicknames players select, select 101 Air Gordon (PF) for put on your bench lineup so you can auction 101 stoudemire (PF) for additional your coins.

I think you have to sell malone too and replace him place with buy 103 jokic with boost but without ability for cheap one.

And if you have a enough flashback tokens, I think you need to exchange it to get 102 Bradley (SG) for exchange carter place for a while until you reach 103 version of him and then you can auction bradley of course for additional your coins.
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Rookie 1
First of all you need improve yours bench, yep anatdoc right you have to sell kawhi to get enough coins to buy some players for up your OVR.
Buy 104 Giannis (SF) for replace kahwi place then use the rest of coins from sale of kahwi for buy 104 AD (PF) with boost but without ITP ability (cause if with ITP it's more expensive) to replace the Silas place or you can use him as starting and then play on the 4th of July campaign and reach 61K flags to got one player from 99+ nicknames players select, select 101 Air Gordon (PF) for put on your bench lineup so you can auction 101 stoudemire (PF) for additional your coins.

I think you have to sell malone too and replace him place with buy 103 jokic with boost but without ability for cheap one.

And if you have a enough flashback tokens, I think you need to exchange it to get 102 Bradley (SG) for exchange carter place for a while until you reach 103 version of him and then you can auction bradley of course for additional your coins.
Thanks to boy, any more certain info you recommend man ?


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