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Hello everyone


Rookie 1
Hey guys glad to be here, hope this site can be as big if not bigger than stupid gg run by morons and only few active people. We should share it around every day, having buck make a video on this and mentioning gg going down on 2.6. would be really helpfull. Promote it in nba live groups on fb and in group chats on line app aswell.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Welcome glad to have you it's being promoted for surebut since Buck didn't know what GG was shows he doesn't care about being on forums and he's an asshole don't you remember lol


Rookie 1
Sure but it would be of a really huge help if he did that...even he uses gg for some of his videos to get the information about cards or cards being pullable from some packs...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well he told me that he didn't go on GG when I asked if he saw the response to his video about telling people how to chat so I guess he was lying it would help sure but at what cost plus after that graphic convo I had with him where he threatened to do stuff to me that you would expect to happen in a male prison he's not the kind of guy that would help the community


Rookie 1
This site needs to be kept clean. So in my opinion, avoid getting endorsements from known coin buyers like Bobby & Buck.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Hey guys glad to be here, hope this site can be as big if not bigger than stupid gg run by morons and only few active people. We should share it around every day, having buck make a video on this and mentioning gg going down on 2.6. would be really helpfull. Promote it in nba live groups on fb and in group chats on line app aswell.

Welcome to the board balkaNNN - glad to have you here and we hope you enjoy it!


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