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have everyone used their bf tokens ?


All-Star 1
Werent there supposed to be sets to exchange bf tokens for NBA cash

Nope, it's the other way around. Brian worded it strangely when he talked about it. I was confused at first too, ex- "5 tickets for 15k coins". He made it sound like you could receive coins but it's the reverse, pay coins in exchange for tix. He posted "25 tickets for 500 cash,
275 tickets for 5000 cash" . You can see the store is selling Tix for those amounts.


All-Star 3
Werent there supposed to be sets to exchange bf tokens for NBA cash

Nope, it's the other way around. Brian worded it strangely when he talked about it. I was confused at first too, ex- "5 tickets for 15k coins". He made it sound like you could receive coins but it's the reverse, pay coins in exchange for tix. He posted "25 tickets for 500 cash,
275 tickets for 5000 cash" . You can see the store is selling Tix for those amounts.

Oh ok. It always seemed to be good to be true.. ot will be interesting to c what sets are there on the last day or the same sets repeat


All-Star 1
Werent there supposed to be sets to exchange bf tokens for NBA cash

Nope, it's the other way around. Brian worded it strangely when he talked about it. I was confused at first too, ex- "5 tickets for 15k coins". He made it sound like you could receive coins but it's the reverse, pay coins in exchange for tix. He posted "25 tickets for 500 cash,
275 tickets for 5000 cash" . You can see the store is selling Tix for those amounts.

Oh ok. It always seemed to be good to be true.. ot will be interesting to c what sets are there on the last day or the same sets repeat

I?m leaning towards spending my extra tickets on the 50 Elevate set if it?s there. Could be a mistake but those cards have been excellent for me. Especially Westbrook.


All-Star 1
I think he said tomorrow's sets will be different and won't rotate as often. I'm gonna hold back 50 or so tokens and some NBA cash just in case there's something awesome. I think it's possible bc for the last couple days on Discord he's flat out refused to say anything more about upcoming sets/ players


Rookie 3
Staff member
Still holding out for something I want ' used 50 on the elevate set and pulled Gordon 82 which look's pretty mean stats wise. Will get him to 89.
There are supposed to be sets for the Tip-Off Masters, the 87 OVR Halloween cards and the legends. These will cost over 150 tickets per set.


Rookie 1
since I was very far from reaching 500 tickets, I used what I had in a 83+OVR Trending Player exchange (got 85 Embiid) and in Flash player tokens exchanges to get 87 Jeremy Lin


Rookie 2
Yes, I have used the bf tokens to get Terry Porter, Steph Curry 86 and Andre Drummond 84(as backup to Ben Wallace halloween).

They also gave me a free T-mac SG 87 harvest card as part of the Terry Porter package, which was a nice cherry on top. :)


Rookie 1
i won't have many tickets, but if elevate makes a comeback prob go for that, otherwise i'll do legend tokens to make the grind a little less painful


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