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Harvest Drive events missing


Rookie 1
When I enter the Harvest Drive screen, I see a tag where the events are supposed to be that says "repeatable", but the events aren't there.
Is this happening to anybody else?


Rookie 1
We?re nearly half way through the first win 6 hour period. If we lose this first win that?ll be annoying...

Ya, I wonder how EA going to compensate us on losing the first win, that's really will affect the whole progress

If they are going to compensate us at all, for some people this could be the final blow and they won't be able to complete their master in time so they should compensate it.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah not just that but the elevate event has been gone too I got up at maintenance and thought they would be fixed by now smfh
Yeah not just that but the elevate event has been gone too I got up at maintenance and thought they would be fixed by now smfh

It's not gone just hidden like the FB event. Tap on the event and scroll and you will see the unlocked event. I don't know why they keep doing shit like this. So many people are unaware that FB and elevate events are there. Even myself knowing sometimes they are hidden tend to forget if I don't see an unlocked event.


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