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Harvest countdown

I have a really serious question. I?ve got 19 elite food tokens and don?t think I can manage to get enough tokens to finish Tatum until tomorrow, since it?s expiry date is 9 hours from now. The question is, is harvest really going to finish tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow? Countdown for live event is 1d and 9h from now and for the sets is 9h from which doesn?t make sense. It really confuses me
Sets for Tatum, Curry,Mutombo, Duncan will definitely be up tomorrow and I'm hearing as late as Sunday. As for the actual event to get first wins, etc....Initially it was supposed to end in 8 and a half hours but I'm thinking maybe they extended it a day as well, but we will see. Absolute worst case scenario you will have packs in the store tomorrow to get more tickets/tokens.
The harvest sets will be there til Sunday but the events finish in a few hours. You will have to buy packs or complete that Black Friday set with 15 food tokens for 40 BF tokens to finish the masters.
If I had to bet money, not a lot but a small amount lol, I'd bet that 5 hours from now we will still have the events. They said they'd do an "elevate" event once this one ends but that's now cancelled....so my guess is they extend the campaign for a day. Then of course leave the BF blitz up with packs in the store cause hey, "gotta make that money" lol. This way they go less than a week without having promo content, "gotta keep folks engaged and spending that money" right?

Not to mention the event was completely MIA for like 4 and a half hours on Saturday....


Rookie 1
If I had to bet money, not a lot but a small amount lol, I'd bet that 5 hours from now we will still have the events. They said they'd do an "elevate" event once this one ends but that's now cancelled....so my guess is they extend the campaign for a day. Then of course leave the BF blitz up with packs in the store cause hey, "gotta make that money" lol. This way they go less than a week without having promo content, "gotta keep folks engaged and spending that money" right?

Not to mention the event was completely MIA for like 4 and a half hours on Saturday....

Are y'all seeing Harvest or Black Friday packs in the store?
i really want the harvest promo to end i have grinded everything i can

It?s effectively over lol. Glad I didn?t have a way to bet money. Man, how hard is it to fix the campaign timer to end when it?s supposed to? Boatloads of people thought they had an extra day to grind, and wake up to BF blitz


Rookie 1
Yeah, great promo, got 2 masters, increased OVR by two, got some other players I wanted but I?ve lost interest in harvest and BF now as it?s been going for so long now! Great job by Brian and the team for this promo.


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