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Grinding SD vs MM?


Pro 1
Title. I’m a 99 OVR (most likely going to be 100 in the next day or two) and looking to efficiently raise my OVR by as much as possible.

I almost have ITP Westbrook from Mobile Madness and I need a PF. I was aiming to grind Bagley out for my last master, but before doing so I was wondering if I should touch SD at all or just focus all my stamina into MM. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Rookie 3
If your current focus is to build your lineup i would focus all my stamina in the campaigns. In my case i could get 3 masters by doing the same but the competetiveness inside me urges me to play 5 to 10 sd a day or reach at least legend a week, so probably i would end up with just 2 with at least one with boost. At the end you go to what you think makes you enjoy the game and playing this game just collecting cards like little girls collecting dolls is kinda lame imo. Hope they bring back the sd stamina to just 5 or just make it free so we can compete without compromising our progress in current promos.


Pro 1
If your current focus is to build your lineup i would focus all my stamina in the campaigns. In my case i could get 3 masters by doing the same but the competetiveness inside me urges me to play 5 to 10 sd a day or reach at least legend a week, so probably i would end up with just 2 with at least one with boost. At the end you go to what you think makes you enjoy the game and playing this game just collecting cards like little girls collecting dolls is kinda lame imo. Hope they bring back the sd stamina to just 5 or just make it free so we can compete without compromising our progress in current promos.

Yeah the stamina is stupid. It should have it’s own seperate stamina system. I don’t care for any of the SD masters anyhow so I’ll just get Bagley from MM.
Reaching legend in SD every week was enough for me to get 100 Scalabrine, who is much better than Bagley

Those SD rep packs help a lot too. I buy like 2 per week & I'm getting 3 gold tokens a lot of times


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