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Great 96 Ewing snipe


Rookie 1
Re: Snipe of the season?

As far as rest RN on investment This snipe is at least 44x investment. As far as profit made its obviously The Porz.


Rookie 2
Re: Snipe of the season?

For evaluating how good a snipe is, I'd say

How many coins that earns > how many times does it repay for it's cost.

Superb snipe regardless, like 60 times less than it sells for.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Snipe of the season?

Lol I love contrarians

I'm not against you at all but 100 Capela for 3.4k is a way better snipe on profit and % of price it sells for and not really a contrarian because it's not a popular opinion fwiw

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/aHm57QR.jpg">


Rookie 1
Re: Snipe of the season?

Lol I love contrarians

I'm not against you at all but 100 Capela for 3.4k is a way better snipe on profit and % of price it sells for and not really a contrarian because it's not a popular opinion fwiw

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/aHm57QR.jpg">

There ya go, provide a proven example. Before you gave no example, now we're on the same page here.


Pro 1
Re: Snipe of the season?

Lol I love contrarians

I'm not against you at all but 100 Capela for 3.4k is a way better snipe on profit and % of price it sells for and not really a contrarian because it's not a popular opinion fwiw

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/aHm57QR.jpg">

There ya go, provide a proven example. Before you gave no example, now we're on the same page here.

By any chance, is this BallerDoug? Because that was a pretty asinine statement.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Snipe of the season?

Lol I love contrarians

I'm not against you at all but 100 Capela for 3.4k is a way better snipe on profit and % of price it sells for and not really a contrarian because it's not a popular opinion fwiw

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/aHm57QR.jpg">

There ya go, provide a proven example. Before you gave no example, now we're on the same page here.

Well there are many snipes better then the original one that I don't have "proof" of to know that better ones do exist but anyways I updated your title to show some contrast of what you're talking about and so it's no longer using a clickbait title


Rookie 1
Re: Snipe of the season?

Lol I love contrarians

I'm not against you at all but 100 Capela for 3.4k is a way better snipe on profit and % of price it sells for and not really a contrarian because it's not a popular opinion fwiw

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/aHm57QR.jpg">

Wtf thats a crazy relisting. The bots be on some bullshit most of the time, wonder how this happened.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Snipe of the season?

Lol I love contrarians

I'm not against you at all but 100 Capela for 3.4k is a way better snipe on profit and % of price it sells for and not really a contrarian because it's not a popular opinion fwiw

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/aHm57QR.jpg">

Wtf thats a crazy relisting. The bots be on some bullshit most of the time, wonder how this happened.

Must've been a mistaken silver sell they probably pulled it and thought it was a silver


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