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Rookie 1
Hi guys! Will GOTW promo end this week? I have 23 GOTW elite tokens and I'm not sure if I still have a chance to get a player considering the fact that the regular season ended a few days ago. TIA


Rookie 1
I’m wondering the same thing... even tho last nights gotn was Brooklyn vs 76ers so I’m assuming it will continue through the playoffs. It would be nice to get a Curry gote player since he went off the other night
It better continue. Otherwise they need to change the achievements for a monthly master. I dont see myself completing 4 daily players for Horry tokens if they remove it. We get 1 legend set a week and 1 FB set so if they remove GOTW then it would be nearly impossible unless you have FB tokens saved up to complete the lower ovr FB sets which ive already done.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I’m wondering the same thing... even tho last nights gotn was Brooklyn vs 76ers so I’m assuming it will continue through the playoffs. It would be nice to get a Curry gote player since he went off the other night
That was the GOTW from 2 weeks ago this week's was Kings and Clippers they always use games on Thursday but there weren't any games on Thursday this week so they made a fake matchup


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I haven't heard anything about GOTW's future but there are still a couple days to use tokens if they do in fact stop it instead of release new players in less than 4 hours


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