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Got extremely lucky in legend wildcard exchange set


Rookie 1
I pulled 87 Marion on fifth try. So happy, cuz it's a huge upgrade over 84 giannis and 86 Deng. Major victory for f2p! :)


Rookie 1
So you can pull legends from the exchange? Maybe that's where I got the 89 ovr Elton Brand 06' I randomly found on my bench after I got 90 ovr Curry.


Rookie 3
I was first thinking to get the 87 Halloween masters but then I noticed the legend wildcard exchange I had enough tokens to get 70 wildcards and I decided to do it in the first pack I pulled 87 David Robinson and in the second pack I got 87 Shawn Marion and now I completed the 88 ovr James worthy I am so happy right now :)

you mean you got Robinson and Marion by the set that the 35 BF token exchange for 10 wildcards??
so, every pack includes 10 wildcards and probability legends players??


Rookie 3
I was first thinking to get the 87 Halloween masters but then I noticed the legend wildcard exchange I had enough tokens to get 70 wildcards and I decided to do it in the first pack I pulled 87 David Robinson and in the second pack I got 87 Shawn Marion and now I completed the 88 ovr James worthy I am so happy right now :)

you mean you got Robinson and Marion by the set that the 35 BF token exchange for 10 wildcards??
so, every pack includes 10 wildcards and probability legends players??


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