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Ghost Bid? You Don't Get Outbid; But Item Sold to Someone Else.


Rookie 1
Hi guys....

Have you encounter something that can be considered 'ghost bid'? That's what I believe they should be called, or at least the moment for how it happened.

Because for at least 3-5 times a day since I'm just getting better at Snipping, I realised someone out there can work their way out by bidding without us getting inform by the system.

I tried to click 'bid' when it reach 1 second, always fail, so that's not how they do it. How are these guys doing such a thing? Because what happened is annoying that suddenly without knowing that someone is outbidding me, the item shockingly sold to someone else. This time I got shocked because I'm the only bidder and nothing out bid me till last minute, then I open the bidding window (of which I'm still the highest bidder). Still nothing out bidding my bid, until suddenly the screen said, item sold.

Please let me know if that's a glitch or simply there is a trick I should learn? It's okay if you know the trick and wanna keep it...
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Never click bid when there's 1 second left the AH usually doesn't work fast enough to register it in time


Rookie 1
I always click at the 14 second mark before timer expires.

If i'm outbidding someone, it gives them the minimum 15 seconds warning.

Waiting to bid at a second or two before timer expires is a ressipe for disaster (especially if an outbid message pops up right before you bid)


Pro 1
A bid in last 15 seconds will reset the clock to 15 seconds, , but if you're waiting for the game notification that you were outbid instead of refreshing manually to make sure you weren't outbid, you put yourself in a vulnerable position.


Rookie 1
Never click bid when there's 1 second left the AH usually doesn't work fast enough to register it in time

I always click at the 14 second mark before timer expires.

If i'm outbidding someone, it gives them the minimum 15 seconds warning.

Waiting to bid at a second or two before timer expires is a ressipe for disaster (especially if an outbid message pops up right before you bid)

Yes, I understand, I attempted to try figuring out HOW these guys are doing this? Or this is a glitch from the app? Because in total since the last 3 days I've been Sniping a lot and yesterday only this happened like a few times and now it happened again.

Because I remember this was Erving 108ovr started for $350k bid. So I bid first, he bid 100 coins more. So I bid 700k as I know I could still make fine profit in a day for that purchase. He didn't bid back.

When it's 2 minutes to expire, I check the item again and watch it. No one come and outbid me seriously. When time reach -3 I was still the highest bidder. Until suddenly it says, 'ITEM SOLD'. It's not a big deal to me! Because it's only kind of 20-40% profit if I successfully sniped it. Many more cards can do that.

However, I Counted that it was at least 5 times already, like.... how? Hahaha


Rookie 1
A bid in last 15 seconds will reset the clock to 15 seconds, , but if you're waiting for the game notification that you were outbid instead of refreshing manually to make sure you weren't outbid, you put yourself in a vulnerable position.

I think if I am getting myself into the bidding window by clicking the card that's for sale. I believe I don't need to refresh because I'm inside it when someone out bid me I will just get the 'bid' button available again. I always do this when I know there will be 'bid war' involving at least 2 other accounts and I normally put 3k higher coins into it to make sure I didn't fail my bid.

But yea, maybe sometimes the system fail to deliver me the information 🤣


Rookie 1
the only refresh that matter is the one in the last 15 seconds.
I pass a lot of bids by placing it at the 15 second mark.

either because the opposing bidder didn't refresh manually to see that they were outbid, they were too busy elsewhere, their AH lagged to refresh, or simply the were not logged in.

The trick is to give the minimum amount of warning.

Any bid below 15 seconds refreshes the clock anyway so it's pointless to wait.

PS. I don't think this is even considered sniping even though the premise of making money out of it is the same. Snipping is when you BIN low priced cards the moment they are released in AH


Rookie 1
the only refresh that matter is the one in the last 15 seconds.
I pass a lot of bids by placing it at the 15 second mark.

either because the opposing bidder didn't refresh manually to see that they were outbid, they were too busy elsewhere, their AH lagged to refresh, or simply the were not logged in.

The trick is to give the minimum amount of warning.

Any bid below 15 seconds refreshes the clock anyway so it's pointless to wait.

PS. I don't think this is even considered sniping even though the premise of making money out of it is the same. Snipping is when you BIN low priced cards the moment they are released in AH

Yes perhaps the term sniping is not 100 accurate. Yeah I think you are right. The funny think is that when I bid below 10seconds left, time back to 15 and maybe other players realised they are outbidded.

However, I've been winning many items when I click right in the 16 mark actually. As there is one second taken by the system to load. Maybe this is how they do it too... lacking of vision perhaps actually I was being outbid but since the time goes naturally without 'reset' I think I was okay

Thanks man..


All-Star 1
This method is often referred to as "bid" sniping. What I can tell you is that those with fast internet connections tend to prevail here. High latency or slower connections seem to cause the notification system issues. I have a superfast connection at home that make bid sniping rather lucrative (should I care to spend the time required) but even there are times when I hit bid again, nothing happens and the auction is lost.

FlyinFrog FlyinFrog : Most likely your connection is slower than the person you're bidding against and their information is more up to date than yours.


Rookie 1
This method is often referred to as "bid" sniping. What I can tell you is that those with fast internet connections tend to prevail here. High latency or slower connections seem to cause the notification system issues. I have a superfast connection at home that make bid sniping rather lucrative (should I care to spend the time required) but even there are times when I hit bid again, nothing happens and the auction is lost.

FlyinFrog FlyinFrog : Most likely your connection is slower than the person you're bidding against and their information is more up to date than yours.
This method is often referred to as "bid" sniping. What I can tell you is that those with fast internet connections tend to prevail here. High latency or slower connections seem to cause the notification system issues. I have a superfast connection at home that make bid sniping rather lucrative (should I care to spend the time required) but even there are times when I hit bid again, nothing happens and the auction is lost.

FlyinFrog FlyinFrog : Most likely your connection is slower than the person you're bidding against and their information is more up to date than yours.

I personally believe my internet is acceptable, but I believe there can be lag which caused by any reason that sometimes fail to give us the 'information' in time.

I wonder how the server works too( the fact that sometimes I encounter very bad ping rate on the Arena confused me. Most of my games got 24ms which is great but sometimes I played against opponents that give me ping issue, as it keep moving between 140-2000ms like making my phone work hard too I can feel temperature change.

Out of topic but I think it's not necessarily my internet that give me issue, I belie it could be the server or simply I was facing people with very bad internet which uniquely gave me bad affection. I read this only because sometimes when I play PUBGm with people who got bad internet, my PING rate started to go up and down aggressively.



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yes, I understand, I attempted to try figuring out HOW these guys are doing this? Or this is a glitch from the app? Because in total since the last 3 days I've been Sniping a lot and yesterday only this happened like a few times and now it happened again.

Because I remember this was Erving 108ovr started for $350k bid. So I bid first, he bid 100 coins more. So I bid 700k as I know I could still make fine profit in a day for that purchase. He didn't bid back.

When it's 2 minutes to expire, I check the item again and watch it. No one come and outbid me seriously. When time reach -3 I was still the highest bidder. Until suddenly it says, 'ITEM SOLD'. It's not a big deal to me! Because it's only kind of 20-40% profit if I successfully sniped it. Many more cards can do that.

However, I Counted that it was at least 5 times already, like.... how? Hahaha
You have to refresh the My Bids screen because there is a big delay if you click the card and look at bids that way


Rookie 1
Download speed is not the same as connection time / ping

also you're in AU. so i would assume your connection time is on the lower end
(unless EA has a NBALM server is AU which i doubt)


All-Star 1
I personally believe my internet is acceptable, but I believe there can be lag which caused by any reason that sometimes fail to give us the 'information' in time.

I wonder how the server works too( the fact that sometimes I encounter very bad ping rate on the Arena confused me. Most of my games got 24ms which is great but sometimes I played against opponents that give me ping issue, as it keep moving between 140-2000ms like making my phone work hard too I can feel temperature change.

Out of topic but I think it's not necessarily my internet that give me issue, I belie it could be the server or simply I was facing people with very bad internet which uniquely gave me bad affection. I read this only because sometimes when I play PUBGm with people who got bad internet, my PING rate started to go up and down aggressively.

View attachment 2545
Everything is relative...this is my speedtest over the web that's not as reliable once you go above 100Mbps:



Rookie 1
Download speed is not the same as connection time / ping

also you're in AU. so i would assume your connection time is on the lower end
(unless EA has a NBALM server is AU which i doubt)

Everything is relative...this is my speedtest over the web that's not as reliable once you go above 100Mbps:

Yea I think my ping rate here around 24ms-30ms in most of The Arena match. This is very low consider that the server is in either China or US. Because like PUBGm, Aussie players use China server and our ping is around 140-160ms. Not sure if EA got server here.

However, my ping rate goes real bad at least in 1-2 out of 5 matches if I play the Arena, it even reached 1200ms and like the game is going to explode. I believe this has something to do with other party connection (not me not EA). In this case maybe the same thing happened with my AH. Just assumption but yeah better follow some advises to refresh page now haha


Pro 1
I think if I am getting myself into the bidding window by clicking the card that's for sale. I believe I don't need to refresh because I'm inside it when someone out bid me I will just get the 'bid' button available again. I always do this when I know there will be 'bid war' involving at least 2 other accounts and I normally put 3k higher coins into it to make sure I didn't fail my bid.

But yea, maybe sometimes the system fail to deliver me the information 🤣
If you’re in a bid war absolutely 100% every time manually refresh rather than waiting for the system to automatically update the bid status. Can’t stress it enough.


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