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General Questions Regarding League Play


Rookie 1
Ok, so you're confirming the scouted team is the one that plays, right?

Against my teammate i have confirmed it now in 2 games.
I even started with my 109 this time to see if that was what he played against.

He confirmed that he has played both FULL matches against my 110 team.

Against the opponent, i'm not sure if they scouted or played but (i checked the log and nobody attacked me so) they scouted but i feel confident now that my 110 would be the team they will end up playing against.

It would be a bug (that people would have noticed by now) if scout shows one team and you play against a different one.

In conclusion,
the answer is that in LvL in both matches against your opponent or teammates, if your first team is NOT the highest ovr team among your lineups, the system will use the highest ovr in the list.
So in my case even though i have a 109 first on my list, the game always reverts using my 110 when my opponents attack me.

I'm marking this one as answered
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Rookie 1
LvL opponents always see your highest ovr lineup, if your first is let's say 109, 2nd is 99 and 3rd is 110 they will see 3rd one.

I have my own method of checking my real AI lineup, so even if I have two 110 lineups I always know which one is my AI.
You need to go to the auction house, check some random cards (from any position you want), so if PG in your 110 LU is Westbrook then all PGs from AH will be compared to him and you can be 100% sure he is PG in your LvL AI lineup.
If you have two 110 lineups and first one is 110.2, second is 110.3, the game will use 110.3 as AI and players from AH will be compared to the ones from 110.3 (we can't see which lineup from two 110 is higher cuz the game shows just 110 but my AH 'trick' solves this problem).
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Well I learnt something new. Time to pass on the info to my league. We have 111s who have nba lineups that may be 0.1 or 0.2 lower than their offensive lineups. Turns out people may have been playing their offensive line up all this time instead of their defensive(nba)


Rookie 1
I have my own method of checking my real AI lineup, so even if I have two 110 lineups I always know which one is my AI.

Thanks, that makes sense.

Using the same logic, when you scout in LvL, the first team shown as comparison should be the default the game AI uses.

When i just scouted, the team that popped up in scout was my 110 which is placed third.

Nope, that does not work, did an experiment that i created two 110 teams and swapped positions.

The two lineups i created definitely had a differential since in one,
the Starting PG gave +3 and bench PG +2
and on the other team i did the opposite where Start PG has +2 and Bench has +3

It defaulted to the first 110 team in both times.

Same thing with the AH method.
it compared the PG with the PG that is on the highest ovr team that is on the left.

it doesn't matter if one 110.2 and the other is 110.3
It just defaults to the 110 that is the closest to the start of the teams lineups.
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Wish I didn't miss I could have confirmed your theory easily because I checked this about a year ago when S3 started


Rookie 1
The two lineups i created definitely had a differential since in one,
the Starting PG gave +3 and bench PG +2
and on the other team i did the opposite where Start PG has +2 and Bench has +3

It defaulted to the first 110 team in both times.

Same thing with the AH method.
it compared the PG with the PG that is on the highest ovr team that is on the left.

it doesn't matter if one 110.2 and the other is 110.3
It just defaults to the 110 that is the closest to the start of the teams lineups.
That makes sense cuz I always use my 1st as AI lineup and I have jerseys/court with best boost only in #1 lineup (+6/+5 jerseys and +5 court), so when I was comparing two 109 (or 110) lineups with the same players (one position swapped) I thought it shows my #1 LU cuz I have better jerseys/court boost and this LU is 0.1 or 0.2 higher than 2nd lineup but looks like I was wrong about the reason.
Anyway the thing about AH is correct, it always shows your players from AI lineup in AH comparison - first with highest ovr - all is clear now.


Rookie 1
I'm starting this thread for anyone who wants to ask general questions about league play or anything related.
I looked throughout this sub and nearly all threads here are about either Recruitment or about the Ranking system.

If you are looking for a league or you're recruiting,​

If you have any questions regarding League vs League mode, post them here.

Thank you

What is the reward for playing LvL other than 50-100-200 stamina? To me, I dont need to be on top league for these rewards. Top 1000 will do LOL.

Also, What is the reward for being on top 100 league last season? I somehow wish NBALM can put weekly or monthly reset for LvL Standings. Given the league also pay attractive rewards to player so everyone pushing hard to win. For just stamina? Hahaha


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What is the reward for playing LvL other than 50-100-200 stamina? To me, I dont need to be on top league for these rewards. Top 1000 will do LOL.

Also, What is the reward for being on top 100 league last season? I somehow wish NBALM can put weekly or monthly reset for LvL Standings. Given the league also pay attractive rewards to player so everyone pushing hard to win. For just stamina? Hahaha
There has never been a reward for your ranking from EA and no one has really cared because if they did give out ranking rewards it makes cheating so much worse


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