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Gameplay changes to PVP?


All-Star 1
So this is interesting and I'm curious if anyone else has experienced the same. Sometime in the last 5-10 hours something changed in PVP. I started coming across a new style of cheese.

Whereas before, ppl were popping shots from the corner every time or launching them contested and always able to make them....... Now I have guys running back & forth along the baseline to get space and to wait for the Clutch to activate. Never had anyone do it until tonight, as far as doing it every....single..... possession. What makes this odd & not just some whining is this: there's a field repelling my defender away.

Up until now, I've been able to play tight D & get a lot of blocks. But now I can't get close enough to touch the ball handler. For example: he's on the baseline behind the 3pt line, running back & forth. I have my thumb on the defend button and I'm moving the D-pad to mirror his movements. But despite my best effort, there are times when he runs into the corner & back where my...
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Rookie 1
What makes this odd & not just some whining is this: there's a field repelling my defender away.

That's been around for me since start of August in random showdown and LvL matches.

I always just attributed it to the nerfing.
For those situations, let go of the guard button , approach the ballhandler and start guarding again. That usually works for me, although in some cases if you don't start guarding again at the right time, he might just pull a dribble and go around you.


All-Star 1
That's been around for me since start of August in random showdown and LvL matches.

I always just attributed it to the nerfing.
For those situations, let go of the guard button , approach the ballhandler and start guarding again. That usually works for me, although in some cases if you don't start guarding again at the right time, he might just pull a dribble and go around you.
I've never had it happen. I totally let off the guard button & still couldn't close the gap. I think it was all about the sprinting & constant change of direction. The fact that I played several ppl using the same approach, including another 111 with almost the same lineup as me - stacked with abilities, that was the odd part


All-Star 1
Another thing that I forgot to include in my post. It seems like autoswitch is heavily favoring the defender whose position matches the ball-handler. So if the PG passes to the SF, when I switch, it'll be to my SF. It's been leaving me way out of position at times and doesn't seem to want to switch to the closest player very often. Maybe I'm just dense but I don't remember it being like that & it doesn't feel right when I'm on defense
The good ole back and forth cheese. I've used it since season 1. For some odd reason it causes the defender to back off creating space for an open shot. It wasn't working in PvP all this time. Every time I tried a quick back and forth my player would do a slow 180 turn instead. Different from other modes. Looks like its working now in PvP as well.


All-Star 1
The good ole back and forth cheese. I've used it since season 1. For some odd reason it causes the defender to back off creating space for an open shot. It wasn't working in PvP all this time. Every time I tried a quick back and forth my player would do a slow 180 turn instead. Different from other modes. Looks like its working now in PvP as well.
Exactly. I just hadn't noticed it in PVP and I've been playing a good amount. These changes all started today, as far as me noticing then anyway. But the space created was far more pronounced nthan I'd ever seen


Rookie 1
But the space created was far more pronounced than I'd ever seen

Yeah, now it almost leaves 6-7 feet apart. before it would be half that.
But again i was able to use the let go the guard tech nick and approach him. When the player isn't cooperating in moving closer even with the guard button let go, point the controller backwards and forwards really fast a few times. Once you "exit" that invisible force field, it's like it resets and you are now able to approach the ball handler.


All-Star 1
Yeah, now it almost leaves 6-7 feet apart. before it would be half that.
But again i was able to use the let go the guard tech nick and approach him. When the player isn't cooperating in moving closer even with the guard button let go, point the controller backwards and forwards really fast a few times. Once you "exit" that invisible force field, it's like it resets and you are now able to approach the ball handler.
Interesting, I'll try that next time it happens


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