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Game of Thrones: Season 8 (Final Season)


Rookie 1
Staff member
That battle of Winterfell tonight, anyone else as tense as I am? That second episode had me rethinking my life decisions.



Rookie 1
Staff member
Absolutely. Few things:

-Arya scene was the moment where I held my breath. Couldn't take it!
- That Night King was bad ass, even to the end.
- I'm sure Ghost survived, but it looks like the dragons did too?
- Daenerys be as useless as anyone without a weapon. RIP Jorah


Rookie 1
Staff member
Anyone else feel like the episode was way too dark in contrast? I had to turn up the brightness on my HD TV to even see the best parts. I realized that the first version I saw was SD (HBO has an East and West edition, the East edition I got is SD only) so I watched that earlier. Then I rewatched it on HD later.

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Rookie 1
Staff member
Something about this scene tells me it'll be up for awards for the musical score and the acting:

Anyone else feel like the episode was way too dark in contrast? I had to turn up the brightness on my HD TV to even see the best parts. I realized that the first version I saw was SD (HBO has an East and West edition, the East edition I got is SD only) so I watched that earlier. Then I rewatched it on HD later.

I had the same issue. I had my brightness turned to max, and still had problems making out things. Great episode though, easily the best thing to happen in tv in a while.


Rookie 1
Staff member
I had the same issue. I had my brightness turned to max, and still had problems making out things. Great episode though, easily the best thing to happen in tv in a while.

Definitely can't wait to see who ends up on the Iron Throne. I'm thinking there's a bit of a "history repeats itself" where Ser Jamie killed the last king, and he'll kill the current queen in a turn of events.


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