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Game of the week II


Rookie 1
Is it better to claim a 105OVR player from game of the week II?
Or will it even increase later on to a higher OVR player cl


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
No EA says it has no plans to increase the overall for any of the daily beats programs


Rookie 1
I just wanted to know if it will change or I just have to claim now. Thanks anyway
Still save cause man you still have next month so who knows. I'm sure ea is probably not gonna keep giving crappy campaigns so who knows. If nothing changes at all then go all out on spending those tokens.


Rookie 1
If you wait, the cooldown is gonna kick your butt, so better use the tokens asap
No. I meant like to see if by any chance EA made a miracle by giving us some 109 or 108 from the legends and game of the week like next month, although they stayed there won't be any but I'm still doubting lol.
I was talking about daily beats in general.
Saving the tokens waiting for an update a few weeks to the next season.....no way they change their minds


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
If i use up my tokens and they end up upgrading them i doubt I'll play the game anymore coz how pissed I'll be
Wouldn't be the first time they said yes or no to something then did the complete opposite


Rookie 1
Yeah after this season i think I'll be done with their shitty customer service and them screwing with my mind


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