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Game keeps crashing since March 6th


Rookie 1
Since March 6 I can't login to the game after the update, giving me "Unfortunately, NBA Live has stopped". I've been searching and looking for some tips, Uninstall-Restart-Install and factory reset my tablet to no avail as it's the only one im using. As many other post on Google play are having this issue, thinking if they give another update it might resolve the issue but for how long :cry:
Re: Can anybody help?

It's happening to me as well. The game gives me the same message when I use my Samsung tablet, crashes immediately after tapping on the game icon. Weird thing is the game works fine on my cheap Chinese tablet but not on any of my premium devices. One of my league mates can't login on any device, Android or IOs. The last time this happened it also happened to a select few and I couldn't play for 3 weeks!


Rookie 1
You can try this


Clear app cache > uninstall> restart > reinstall > start a new profile to make sure you can get into the game

if you can then log into Google Play or Facebook


All-Star 1
A couple leaguemates and myself can't sell anything in the AH. We'll, can't sell a lot. Keeps crashing when hitting the Post Auction button. Sometimes I can post a couple of items. Sometimes it crashes on the first item I try to sell. Not sure what's going on


Rookie 3
Same here. Also in showdown. Completed my turn but still lost fans and says my turn expires. Happened 5 in a row.


All-Star 1
After checking Discord & Reddit. Looks like lots of issues. Ppl can't play SD, some can't play events, some can't claim rewards, some can't even login. I tried an SD match & got.booted twice. Just have to wait til tomorrow I guess
After checking Discord & Reddit. Looks like lots of issues. Ppl can't play SD, some can't play events, some can't claim rewards, some can't even login. I tried an SD match & got.booted twice. Just have to wait til tomorrow I guess
I tried playing SD, it crashed, now i cant login on any of my devices and i need to play my LvsL quarters!!! EA just tweeted this so hopefully its fixed soon.
Game will be down for maintenance from 3:00 AM EST to 3:30 AM EST. Thank your for your patience. ?s=17


Rookie 1
My game hasn't been crashing but there must be something wrong with the servers, I'm getting booted constantly even with good wifi.


Rookie 1
My game hasn't been crashing but there must be something wrong with the servers, I'm getting booted constantly even with good wifi.
Lol sounds like crashing to me hahaha

Well isn't crashing= game stops running? My app doesn't crash but it just takes me to the Embiid&Iverson screen every damn time I try to do something. EA really needs to get their shit together. Won't be surprised if we don't get any compensation though. :(


Rookie 3

If you are experiencing crashing at launch, please try to uninstall/reinstall the game or clear the game cache (if on android).
Looks like it's still not working for a lot of people judging by those tweets. And sure enough I still can't even open the app with my Samsung tablet. And my league mate still can't open the app on any device.


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