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G2TheMoney (THEARCHITECT) S2 legacy lineup...


Rookie 3
well this is my S2 final lineups..
600k short on training 1 each per lineup to be 106 + 105..
pretty proud not 2 have spent a cent this season, all this is grind, and not opening up LvL packs for mths, and saving rep since the alst decent packs:



3 things i learnt from S2:
1/ not 2 train most cards till the season score came out;
2/ not 2 open packs (s3 wont open any) until something decent arrives
3/ in the end boosts worked :D

looking 4ward to the feedback


Rookie 2
When I thought my 101 franchise was great, everyone's here posting their 105 teams like it's the norm.


Rookie 3
if i hadnt saved all those lvl packs, shards, rep etc, no way would i have hit 105.. this pantheon promo was def for the hoarders :D

ow and that initial elite exchange made me 3 +100 plats, and gave me a leg up money wise for the final push 2 complete pantheons


All-Star 1
if i hadnt saved all those lvl packs, shards, rep etc, no way would i have hit 105.. this pantheon promo was def for the hoarders :D
You can say that again...I'm still pissed I missed out on Harden because of f'ing League tokens and my league is Top 60 so it's not like I didn't "earn" enough. smh


Rookie 3
with classic lineup.. i have +16 3pt boost
(+3 phil, +5 ray ray, +5 peja, +3bosh)
can someone explain how Bird gets only get +10 3pt boost??
white choc gets +16 (117 - 3pt)
TMac get +14 (115)
Bird gets +10 (114)
KG gets +16 (107)
Zo gets +16 (83)


Rookie 2
with classic lineup.. i have +16 3pt boost
(+3 phil, +5 ray ray, +5 peja, +3bosh)
can someone explain how Bird gets only get +10 3pt boost??
white choc gets +16 (117 - 3pt)
TMac get +14 (115)
Bird gets +10 (114)
KG gets +16 (107)
Zo gets +16 (83)

Has to be a glitch, I've experienced it before. Try taking him out and back in to the lineup.


Pro 1
with classic lineup.. i have +16 3pt boost
(+3 phil, +5 ray ray, +5 peja, +3bosh)
can someone explain how Bird gets only get +10 3pt boost??
white choc gets +16 (117 - 3pt)
TMac get +14 (115)
Bird gets +10 (114)
KG gets +16 (107)
Zo gets +16 (83)

Has to be a glitch, I've experienced it before. Try taking him out and back in to the lineup.

I don?t think it?s a glitch. I think some players have some ?upper limit? implemented, in a way that above that the boost is ?limited?. For example, a player may have a 105 limit to some stat, in a way that he?ll need more than a +1 to get to 106.
If someone can help in figuring this out it would be much apreciated...


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