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Fully Trained Sig Cousins 94ovr


Rookie 1
he is looking like a monster i want that card but he is very expensive whenever he comes out on ah

Bought on my alt acct for 1.5m and on my main acct I picked em up for 900k, got lucky by randomly searching up 94 Cousins and one was there at like 3:53 time frame. He cold af too.


Rookie 1
Trash talk? I said that he's stats are trash, how is that trash talk? Look at his rebounding stats and his block, poor stats, very poor for his overall


Rookie 1
Trash talk? I said that he's stats are trash, how is that trash talk? Look at his rebounding stats and his block, poor stats, very poor for his overall

If you dont got nothing good to say then dont go out of your way to say it smh. Ive seen your posts before, youre either hating or talking trash. This thread has been up for like two weeks and all of a sudden you wanna come say something, now? You act like rebounding stats really matter when the rebounding is broken, and block? Are you kiddin me? Any player can block the AI's post shot which is like the only time you get blocks on the AI.


Rookie 1
You are so soft. Your player's stat are trash, and took it like man, dont cry like that. There are a lot of better C then this Cousins. His stats are poor. There is many ways when you will use block in gameplay, but I guess you dont know anything about gameplay, and rebounding stats are important as well. I saw this thread just now and wanted to say my opinion, so I dont care how old is this thread.


Rookie 1
You are so soft. Your player's stat are trash, and took it like man, dont cry like that. There are a lot of better C then this Cousins. His stats are poor. There is many ways when you will use block in gameplay, but I guess you dont know anything about gameplay, and rebounding stats are important as well. I saw this thread just now and wanted to say my opinion, so I dont care how old is this thread.

This card aint even trash, youre clearly using the term trash too loosely. Im giving you facts but youre in your feelings saying im soft and crying smh. You hardly even make sense smh.


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