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Friend lost account

I need an answer Please.

my friend sold his phone. his NBA live mobile account was unrelated. he has the screens of the account and the id number. but with his new phone he no longer has access to his account. is there a solution for him to recover his account. the support said nothing could be done if the account was invited.

Thanks for him in advance.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I changed your title to add some clarity but no if support can't do something there is nothing we can do the problem is they didn't link the account to a universal log in like Facebook they used to have account recovery for this reason but people used it to sell accounts so they got rid of that option they should've linked it to something other than the device their only options are to give up or keep trying to get it recovered which I don't see happening


Rookie 3
Happened to me and created similar thread. Lost two accounts (guest accounts) which i havn?t linked to fb. Both are 96 ovr turning 97 with 2 and 4 mil coins and lots of unsused collectibles (to complete 2 to 3 legend/flashbacks) and bonus packs (over 200). Happened during the shitty maintenance in lny. Have to move on and started with bronze players again. I am now at 91 ovr with less than a week of playing and hopefully 94 by end of all star. I suggest to your friend to do the same. Good thing that i only spent like a couple of dollar on this game otherwise...i don?t know...haha.
Here?s the response of ea regarding my issue:


Thank you for getting back to EA help.

I wish, I have the functionality to restore the lost progress. Had it been possible to restore the game progress, I would surely do that for you on a single click.

Please note that if your game is linked with Facebook, game progress is saved on our servers. You can reinstall the game and try to use the same Facebook account to restore the game progress.

However, if you are playing the game without linking it with Facebook account (Anonymously), we won't be able to restore the game progress.

Should you have any further questions regarding this or any other issues, please do not hesitate to let us know. You can also find answers to common questions on our Help Center at http://help.ea.com, or ask our community experts by visiting Answer HQ at http://answers.ea.com.

Thank you again for contacting EA help.

Still need help? You can reach us on help.ea.com .

Himachal S.


Rookie 3
One more thing, if your friend will decide to play this game again and create new account, i suggest he time it on start of next promo. Since you are starting, leveling up is very easy. I like levelep up 4 or 5 times a day on first few days refilling my stamina very easy which made me play more events and complete sets earlier. I was able to complete 90 harden and 90 marbury in just a day and a half of grinding. Should i estimated it early i time it in the start of current all star promo.
Yeah, that goofy maintenance they did during LNY screwed a lot of people. You used to be able to uninstall your device and not lose your guest account. It would stay tied to the device. Then the maintenance from helll occurred....Good news is, it appears they've changed it back, at least.


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