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FMVP KD's training issue fixed


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
China lost their clutch but luckily we didn't but you can train the card now

Showdown Titan shards (which are worth 25k TP to that specific player) and Legacy Dirk tokens can be used to train KD at their standard value but he's the only one not linked to those programs that can have those collectibles used to train him which is probably why training him was disabled


Rookie 1
Re: FMVP KD's clutch time changed to 50 and training issue fixed

So happy to hear that, I would go crazy if the did removed his clutch. He cost me a lot, and only reason I got him is his two clutch shots in lvl


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: FMVP KD's clutch time changed to 50 and training issue fixed

So happy to hear that, I would go crazy if the did removed his clutch. He cost me a lot, and only reason I got him is his two clutch shots in lvl

Only reason I got him was to sell and I built the token a week ago luckily the card is really good so it fixed some of the pain of not being able to sell it


Rookie 1
Re: FMVP KD's clutch time changed to 50 and training issue fixed

So happy to hear that, I would go crazy if the did removed his clutch. He cost me a lot, and only reason I got him is his two clutch shots in lvl

Only reason I got him was to sell and I built the token a week ago luckily the card is really good so it fixed some of the pain of not being able to sell it

I agree, it would be nice if we could sell him after some time, but card is really good, even without clutchs, I wasnt lucky ebough to get r Lebron, so he is definetely must have for me.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: FMVP KD's clutch time changed to 50 and training issue fixed

So happy to hear that, I would go crazy if the did removed his clutch. He cost me a lot, and only reason I got him is his two clutch shots in lvl

Only reason I got him was to sell and I built the token a week ago luckily the card is really good so it fixed some of the pain of not being able to sell it

I agree, it would be nice if we could sell him after some time, but card is really good, even without clutchs, I wasnt lucky ebough to get r Lebron, so he is definetely must have for me.

I have 98 Royalty LeBron and maxed Specialist PG-13 so it hurt at first but if they can fix KD they should've changed the Dream Showdown unfinished masters too because it's not like it can hurt them to allow us to train those cards since the promo is long gone


Rookie 3
Staff member
About time, would be good if they gave back Lebron's second clutch or reduced KD's...

Yes, clearly I say this because I don't own the card :p


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