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Flashback players gone?


Rookie 1
Hi everyone, maybe I've missed something, but there's no player sets in the flashback section. I assume that they'll release new players, but has anybody any idea of this?
Thanks in advance


Rookie 1
Sorry, English is not my first language and I don't understand it very well, I read a previous post, and the first time I read it I only saw things about legends and GOTW players. Now I've used Google translator and I saw everything.
Sorry, and thanks xd


Rookie 1
Players are removed as of now, FB DO for Curry do not work like a lot of other things..

..set for old collectibles was made for nothing, most of events show you "W" even if you didn't play it first time, bonus packs should be renamed to silver farce etc.. also giving us new, outdated cards like 99ov (and under) nickname players in 103-104ov era, in a game where overall is almost everything is a comedy.. same with any 98-101 sets that cost time (weeks/months of waiting), hard to believe how lazy, greedy and dumb they are.. there is a lot more nonsense in this game but let's stop at it, it's already solid OT.


All-Star 1
Players are removed as of now, FB DO for Curry do not work like a lot of other things..

..set for old collectibles was made for nothing, most of events show you "W" even if you didn't play it first time, bonus packs should be renamed to silver farce etc.. also giving us new, outdated cards like 99ov (and under) nickname players in 103-104ov era, in a game where overall is almost everything is a comedy.. same with any 98-101 sets that cost time (weeks/months of waiting), hard to believe how lazy, greedy and dumb they are.. there is a lot more nonsense in this game but let's stop at it, it's already solid OT.
Sounds like you’re glad you came back! Haha


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