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Flashback and legend program

Dont expect Promos/programs based on luck this season.

The team working on the game this season aren't fan of those.

Royalty Lebron & dream showdown promo (i think that was the name) were a BIG reason people left the game last season. More frustrated people than you think....
They don’t necessarily have to return to luck based tokens. Just create cards that mean something. They’ve devalued cards to the point where there’s not a single card in the game that’s special. And it’s not just because of the turnover rate. The AH price cap has devalued cards as well. And the meaningless style lineups.

It’s a shame about the Legends program because the card choices have been solid this year. And the way they’re used Legends sparingly in the game has made them more unique, but the focus right now is on boosts and OVR.

Don’t get me started on these 2pt abilities.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What I want is a card that holds value all the program cards are on par with promo ones they need to be ahead specifically the NBALM Master which was abandoned very quickly along with the LvL masters which had the same fate then we get to the SD masters which are just on par with the overall curve rather then being ahead of it for staying power which obviously is not what they want because the longer a card can stay in your lineup the less their constant string of promos can make money

I'm seriously sick of promos but if you skip 1 or 2 you fall behind I don't see why they need promos every single day for almost the entire season of the game with no sign of slowing down

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
What I want is a card that holds value all the program cards are on par with promo ones they need to be ahead specifically the NBALM Master which was abandoned very quickly along with the LvL masters which had the same fate then we get to the SD masters which are just on par with the overall curve rather then being ahead of it for staying power which obviously is not what they want because the longer a card can stay in your lineup the less their constant string of promos can make money

I'm seriously sick of promos but if you skip 1 or 2 you fall behind I don't see why they need promos every single day for almost the entire season of the game with no sign of slowing down
It's (not) all about the money :)
There will be new FB players when the actual ones expire (4 more probably, 103 ovr)

Also, there will be new legend players when the actual ones expire. Rumors say 104 ovr


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