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[FIXED] Don't do the LvL elite token exchange


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It's the most expensive we've ever had and it rewards nothing it says it gives a Canada pack but then it says it would give you MVP points which are no longer useful but it uses the picture of the 4th of July promo so it advertises 3 different things none of which are given out


Rookie 1
Anyone know if this has been resolved yet? My 8 hour timer just expired but I don't want to be the idiot that loses 12 tokens twice in one day for MVP points.


Rookie 1
It's the most expensive we've ever had and it rewards nothing it says it gives a Canada pack but then it says it would give you MVP points which are no longer useful but it uses the picture of the 4th of July promo so it advertises 3 different things none of which are given out
I lost 12 freakin tokens last night 😣


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So now you're not even guaranteed a Canada pack?
No you're not guaranteed a Canada player the Canada packs guarantee a 100+ Canada player but the set gives a bob pack so only a 5% chance of a player and 95% chance of a maple leaf token


Rookie 1
It was fixed eariler but they dropped it from Canada pack to Canada bob pack but kept it the same cost
Yeah bruh but the damage has been done already. 😟 I tried it right away coz it sez Canada Day Pack where the cost is reasonable unlike the BoB.


Rookie 1
i only get a maple leaf token like wtf i buy many elite league token for only 1 maple leaf token? i just lost 12 fuckin elite league tokens 5 minutes ago. i think i will get a player.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
i only get a maple leaf token like wtf i buy many elite league token for only 1 maple leaf token? i just lost 12 fuckin elite league tokens 5 minutes ago. i think i will get a player.
You get a Canada Boom or Bust pack which is only a 5% chance at a player and 95% chance at a token so you got what the odds were heavily in favor for


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