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First 108’s?

Were playing someone in LvsL and as soon as Father's Day players were released he was 108. Literally within the first 2 hours he had 3 Fathers day players. I saw Buckeye open about $80-100 of packs for one player so that's $240-300 for 3. At that time they weren't more than 1 card on the AH so to get 3 within 2hours he must have opened his wallet wide lol.


Pro 1
Were playing someone in LvsL and as soon as Father's Day players were released he was 108. Literally within the first 2 hours he had 3 Fathers day players. I saw Buckeye open about $80-100 of packs for one player so that's $240-300 for 3. At that time they weren't more than 1 card on the AH so to get 3 within 2hours he must have opened his wallet wide lol.
That iLogics youtuber opened a bunch. If he knew how to play he'd be a 108 on the spot 😆


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