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Fingers crossed for something grindable.


Rookie 1
So, now that all of the good live events that let you grind out players - UL, Specialist, TOTW etc - have been decommissioned, can we please have something that rewards consistent gameplay once this BS promo finishes?
I know it's probably too much to ask and doesn't give EA $ but **** me if this game hasn't been incredibly boring lately.
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Pro 1
Summer Courts was a wonderful promo to grind last year. Let?s cross our fingers for a similar promo..


Rookie 1
It was great. It definitely made the end of last season enjoyable.
It's probably a lot to ask but they should just roll out another version of that!


Rookie 1
I will be genuinely surprised if anything is reasonably grindable in this beyond a few throwaway players in the low 90s.


Rookie 2
Just aiming for the intl American player that is 95-99 overrall rated.

since its about 2 weeks, and not 1, then its still grindable.


Rookie 2
On my second account Got 3 elites already in just 2 days and keeping in mind that it is a 2 week promo it is certainly certainly grindable. At least as oppose to the more recent promos EA gave us. Second account is an all grind account.


Rookie 3
Staff member
It's pretty shit, but in comparison to the last 3 or so it feels good..

Expectation management.


Rookie 1
95-99 easily grindable which is great - I'm holding all my FF tokens to try and build a 102player even if it costs me a few million coins - just waiting to see who drops next as SG on my nba lineup is not a priority.


Rookie 1
And as expected...no, it's not really grindable.

Yes it is..
I guess it has to do with how many hours you're willing to pour into this. If I sat around and did this all day, then sure, I could get to the 3,020 tokens for the 95 Platinum. But I can't; I can maybe put 30 minutes a day into this, and that includes my League and Showdown. Under those circumstances, I think it really only works if you already have a big pot of cash or if you go to their store and spend a shit-ton of real cash. I'm not up for either, so... i guess I should just say it's not grindable for me.


Pro 1
And as expected...no, it's not really grindable.

Yes it is..
I guess it has to do with how many hours you're willing to pour into this. If I sat around and did this all day, then sure, I could get to the 3,020 tokens for the 95 Platinum. But I can't; I can maybe put 30 minutes a day into this, and that includes my League and Showdown. Under those circumstances, I think it really only works if you already have a big pot of cash or if you go to their store and spend a shit-ton of real cash. I'm not up for either, so... i guess I should just say it's not grindable for me.

Dude if you only have that much time per day then nothing in this game is grindable


Rookie 1
Yes it is..
I guess it has to do with how many hours you're willing to pour into this. If I sat around and did this all day, then sure, I could get to the 3,020 tokens for the 95 Platinum. But I can't; I can maybe put 30 minutes a day into this, and that includes my League and Showdown. Under those circumstances, I think it really only works if you already have a big pot of cash or if you go to their store and spend a shit-ton of real cash. I'm not up for either, so... i guess I should just say it's not grindable for me.

Dude if you only have that much time per day then nothing in this game is grindable
You're probably right. Some things were when I had a lower ranked team... it's just that I can't get to that next level. Oh well.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I guess it has to do with how many hours you're willing to pour into this. If I sat around and did this all day, then sure, I could get to the 3,020 tokens for the 95 Platinum. But I can't; I can maybe put 30 minutes a day into this, and that includes my League and Showdown. Under those circumstances, I think it really only works if you already have a big pot of cash or if you go to their store and spend a shit-ton of real cash. I'm not up for either, so... i guess I should just say it's not grindable for me.

Dude if you only have that much time per day then nothing in this game is grindable
You're probably right. Some things were when I had a lower ranked team... it's just that I can't get to that next level. Oh well.

I feel your pain.


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