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Fewest points scored in a showdown match?


Rookie 1
Have seen many scores like that ,but this was the lowest .Do you think opponent used auto? Even in auto more points can be scored :D


Pro 1
4-4 is a common result in autoplay from what I experienced. There was a day I challenged all my leaguemates in a row with autoplayed quarters and there were two 4-4 draws.

Anyway, I remember than in the first SD week I've produced a 2-9 loss, and in early and laggy h2h days I had a 0-7
Worst I've seen from someone else's quarter was something like 3-17 xD

Also, Here's a win with 3-0 vs 9-4 - https://i.imgur.com/oFzVEgb.png - I started a quarter with ~3 min left so my concern was to prevent the quarter from expiring and just tried to keep the ball in play the whole time, and in the end, it was better than expected.


Rookie 2
I've done worse on manual. Given I was barely paying attention as I multi-tasked, but still.
This happened to me today.


The AI stuffed around forever ignoring the clutch zone. Finally, I blocked its clutch attempt and tried an alley-oop in its face. Missed the alley-oop and was shocked to see the clock running down.


Rookie 1
4. I tried playing upside down because I was really really bored. Uncontested dunk+badly timed mid range.


All-Star 3
This happened to me today.


The AI stuffed around forever ignoring the clutch zone. Finally, I blocked its clutch attempt and tried an alley-oop in its face. Missed the alley-oop and was shocked to see the clock running down.

Man.. that's a crazy match.. even autoplay doesnt explain 13-0 though


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