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Father's Day


Pro 2
I’m going for one. At first I looked at it as who is the best bench player, but really the boosts are blah. Looking at it as potential starters it comes down (for me) to Bill Walton or Steph (god, again!). They are the ones whose primary and detailed attribute stats stand out (again to me and my needs). Steph has +100 primaries in 3 categories. The +100 playmaking & athleticism *might* offset his iffy D & Steal attributes. Walton is +100 in 2 primary stats. But damn his rebounding, D, and inside attributes are appealing.

So (for me) it’s Steph or Walton. Steph being D and Walton shooting may be the deciding factor. Or, I’ll just flip a slightly weighted coin.

What do you guys think?


All-Star 3
I’m going for one. At first I looked at it as who is the best bench player, but really the boosts are blah. Looking at it as potential starters it comes down (for me) to Bill Walton or Steph (god, again!). They are the ones whose primary and detailed attribute stats stand out (again to me and my needs). Steph has +100 primaries in 3 categories. The +100 playmaking & athleticism *might* offset his iffy D & Steal attributes. Walton is +100 in 2 primary stats. But damn his rebounding, D, and inside attributes are appealing.

So (for me) it’s Steph or Walton. Steph being D and Walton shooting may be the deciding factor. Or, I’ll just flip a slightly weighted coin.

What do you guys think?
Walton all The way


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