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Fastbreak blitz for harden


Rookie 1
I would recommend to save the reps for future use. Not worth it. EA knew that those packs aint selling, so trying to push those packs into our faces.

The 2bucks deal is definitely worth considering buying.. but as some said, the future road to MVP campaigns, which there are 2 more, I'm sure they will put up similar packs (maybe more expensive) in order to complete the 83 harden.

Maybe an extra 1buck for extra 100nba cash and so forth. Nba cash is free for EA guys, but the cash we paid for, aint gg to come back to us next season. Do bear that in mind. F2P guys, keep it up!


Rookie 1
I don't see the pack .........from japan......

You can't get any of the special offers in Japan. You can only purchase packs with coins, rep or NBA cash. Last season there were a couple of packs you could buy for yen but a lot of the things that were offered for real money like Doorbuster Kawhi or Perfect Present Westbrook were sold for NBA cash on NBALM Asia.

Now that NBALM Asia is no more, EA Japan is no longer doing the maintenance. We get the same maintenance that the global server does because Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are now part of the same server as everyone else.

I will keep asking EA about this because if it's a season-long trend to have special offers then it's not fair if entire countries are missing out.

i see..... thank you commondjapan !! i hope they will do somthing about this.....


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I would recommend to save the reps for future use. Not worth it. EA knew that those packs aint selling, so trying to push those packs into our faces.

The 2bucks deal is definitely worth considering buying.. but as some said, the future road to MVP campaigns, which there are 2 more, I'm sure they will put up similar packs (maybe more expensive) in order to complete the 83 harden.

Maybe an extra 1buck for extra 100nba cash and so forth. Nba cash is free for EA guys, but the cash we paid for, aint gg to come back to us next season. Do bear that in mind. F2P guys, keep it up!

Based on the stats of the 83 the 80 is better or very close in stuff that actually matters for a SG so I'm it's a better card which is weird but welcomed


All-Star 1
I would recommend to save the reps for future use. Not worth it. EA knew that those packs aint selling, so trying to push those packs into our faces.

The 2bucks deal is definitely worth considering buying.. but as some said, the future road to MVP campaigns, which there are 2 more, I'm sure they will put up similar packs (maybe more expensive) in order to complete the 83 harden.

Maybe an extra 1buck for extra 100nba cash and so forth. Nba cash is free for EA guys, but the cash we paid for, aint gg to come back to us next season. Do bear that in mind. F2P guys, keep it up!

Based on the stats of the 83 the 80 is better or very close in stuff that actually matters for a SG so I'm it's a better card which is weird but welcomed

I'm curious about the 83 Harden. The card on the Harden event page is a Defensive Playmaker. But there are pics of another 83 that's a Balanced Sharpshooter. You can see the two 83st on the home page, left side of screen with the changing pictures promoting different campaigns and also if you click the news button. I'm thinking they'll have somewhat different stats. But if you go look at the event page and click the "information" button, it shows another 80, and two 81 cards. Strange that there are all these similar versions. Hopefully nthe Sharpshooter will have better stats than the one we can see now


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