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Fake Bacon Recruiting

With the start of season 3 upon us, now is a good time to get some more players to build for a long and successful season. We've got a pretty good core of players, many of whom have been with us since very early in season 1.

Season 1 we finished ranked about 75, season 2 we mostly hovered around the 110-150 mark, finishing up at 115. We're currently undefeated and looking to continue our streak.

At the moment looking for 75+ ovr players, the only requirements really are to play your quarters each day and for us to continue to improve together.

If you're looking for a successful and reasonably drama free league, come and apply :)


Rookie 1
+1!!!! Fake Bacon is such an excellent league with great players who are always willing to lend a helping hand or give advice!!! Apply today for a great league, and it will include free healthy recipes from a bonafide chef who is followed by President Obama on twitter!


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