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Evolution Line up


Rookie 1
Does anyone know whether this is just a glitch?

You are able to put PoTM players....Bird, Ewing, Curry, and Embiid in the line up but you can't put PoTM Horry in it?

I was also wondering about limitations on jerseys.....for instance I don't have the option to use any of the boosted Miami jerseys (dunk, block, contested shot) on this line up.
Is there a reason they instituted this lineup? What are we supposed to do with it?
I think its just a way for EA to justify trained unauctionable players. They don't want people getting angry with all the high ovr trained players sitting in their inventory. Unnecessary if you ask me. Instead they should just make trained record breakers auctionable since it costs coins to fully max them out.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Useless lineup and players if it was to me...tons of coins to upgrade for unauctionable player 😤...but with all of those things this season i think EA is just trying to find somekind of balance between f2p and cash players,auctinable/unauctionable players/collectibles.,promo and events(weekly/monthly)...but i wont complain at all for this season...there are room for improvement but for me this is the best season


Rookie 1
Unfortunately I have Ewing and Embiid. No one in bench. I really need one more because I can not put Embiid in the sets anymore! EA has done it again.


Rookie 1
Unfortunately I have Ewing and Embiid. No one in bench. I really need one more because I can not put Embiid in the sets anymore! EA has done it again.
Then u can use 3 eilte elevate tokens and choose 70ovr Whiteside form the set


Rookie 1
yo which overall ewing do i need to put in the lineup. Also, are there any lower cost options? I have already tried lopez and he doesnt work. Thanks!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
yo which overall ewing do i need to put in the lineup. Also, are there any lower cost options? I have already tried lopez and he doesnt work. Thanks!
You can use any Monthly Master Ewing (the ones with a blue and orange background) but if you play the elevate events 3 times on first wins only (once every 4 hours) you can get the 3 elite tokens needed to do the elevate player set at the bottom of the daily beats page and choose 70 Whiteside


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