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Elysium recruiting active members


Rookie 1
We are a pretty chill league but moderately competitive, finished 40+ in Season 3. Until EA comes out with a fix for the LvL lineups issue, we are currently looking for 108+ ovr players who are actively improving their lineups. We also have our own Discord group for sharing tips and discussion.

If you play your quarters everyday and can put up some decent scores, we'd love to have you join us.

Please send an application in-game to Elysium (mountain/trees logo), or you can leave a message here with your IGN and we'll try and get an invite out to you.
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Rookie 1
Hey man, it?s not letting me pm you for some reason... I?ve been looking for a top 100 league and would like to join yours if theirs still a spot available. I?m a 93 overall, active everyday, and have 20 million coins, so upgrading my team whenever I need to shouldn?t be a problem. If you?re interested; my IGN is Delgado559. Thanks


Rookie 1
Hey man, it?s not letting me pm you for some reason... I?ve been looking for a top 100 league and would like to join yours if theirs still a spot available. I?m a 93 overall, active everyday, and have 20 million coins, so upgrading my team whenever I need to shouldn?t be a problem. If you?re interested; my IGN is Delgado559. Thanks

Ld.a1, no worries, I've sent the invite. Welcome and hope we can play together soon.

If anyone else is having problems with private messaging, please leave a message here and I'll get back to you asap.


Rookie 1
We're currently RANK 69 (🤪) and restructuring our league, preparing for the next season. We've managed to save our main core of players since Season 1 and along the way gathered a healthy bunch of active and awesome poeple.

We're welcoming new members with 108+ OVR who are open to idea of having a Discord chat to exchange tips & tricks as well as talk about anything else and who are able to play their quarters daily.

Our main rule is to play our daily quarters and to enjoy our League Life. We don't have heavy limits to what anyone has to achieve in terms of scoring against other teams, because we understand that bad days happen to anyone, but we always have to try our best.


Rookie 1
S SAVAGE21_NBA I'm afraid it's gonna be tough, we're meeting a lot of top leagues and 107s get smashed easily by our opponents, plus you'll have a rough time playing higher ovrs. You'll need to bump up to 108, maybe even 109 now.
J Jonalexander22 What's your IGN? Please send me a PM or leave your IGN here.


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