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Elevate will be getting new players soon...

I was about to ask if it might be a good idea to round up some westbrook and Blake?s in case they raise their overs. Guess not if getting new players
Good, I have 360 stamina sitting there with nth to grind

I've had 500 stamina since Sunday morning lol. I play a couple showdown matches and all the events once to reduce my stamina then watch ad's and get it back to 500. I wish they stacked up promos and programs like in madden where sometimes as one promo is ending another one has already begun. All the waiting in this game is getting on my nerves.


Rookie 1
Good, I have 360 stamina sitting there with nth to grind

I've had 500 stamina since Sunday morning lol. I play a couple showdown matches and all the events once to reduce my stamina then watch ad's and get it back to 500. I wish they stacked up promos and programs like in madden where sometimes as one promo is ending another one has already begun. All the waiting in this game is getting on my nerves.

Great. Let's look forward to the Nov event
I think it may only be one player for now.

One player should at least eliminate the problem of one player being fully leveled while the other is at 3600 and you have to grind thru dupes.

Also, we will obviously find out here soon, but is Butler gonna max at 85 like the other players, or might that increase since the OVR curve has also increased since the last players were released? Do you know if he will be a SG or SF (he's been both in the past)?


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