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Elevate Jimmy Butler stats are not that impressive...


Rookie 2
Hey guys,

Am I the only one feeling the grind for new elevate Jimmy Butler are simply not worth it?
I mean look at his stats:

Even with +15 to all ratings it is far from being competitive in defense, shooting, speed...

I think EA should boost this card base stats.


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Rookie 1
Weird so it says one jimmy butler event to earn the 70 ovr card

but I've played multiple times and only gotten elevate tokens??!!?

anyone else experiencing the same? cheers


Rookie 1
Shouldve started him at 73 with an 88 max tbh.

Griffinand WB were absolute staples to grind for at release. No way this card will have that kinda impact at its current value.


Rookie 1
True. But i really dont feel like grinding for it on the 5 accounts i have. If i used all my stamina in a day id probably go for him. Unfortunately, my time is limited so probably just get him on the main 2.
True. But i really dont feel like grinding for it on the 5 accounts i have. If i used all my stamina in a day id probably go for him. Unfortunately, my time is limited so probably just get him on the main 2.
5 accounts! Jesus, why? I can understand having so many accounts if you could transfer coins but what is the benefit you get from grinding 5 accounts? I'd rather put that time and effort in one account than split my time between 5 different accounts.


Rookie 1
3 accounts are mainly built from promos withou much grind.

Wanted to prove how easy it was tp my league i created how easy it was to obtain a better lineup than what they were using. Patience ran dry with them, disbanded, started a new league with my 81-84 overalls and feel pressured to keep them maintained. I finally have good recruits not losing 10 a quarter against weak overalls!


Rookie 1
Looks like that's what we gonna get from now on, only crap outdated ovr cards .. and even if you grind for high ovr cards, you need to grind 2 months for a card that will be useless by then (I know we all saving legends tokens, but I know that ea will find a way to f*** us too ..)
I hope next promo is not 100% pay2win ..
Most felt that Blake and Russ' stats were mediocre as well, but it turned out their stats weren't telling the whole picture and they were better than their stats.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
All elevate free elites have shit stats that's just how it works Jimmy also doesn't get great stats on any of his cards so both of those factors lead to bad stats if you want to see better ones look at the 82 that you can pull from the store and upgrade to 85 just like with Westbrook and Griffin the store elite at only 82 is much better then the free elite at 85


Rookie 1
All elevate free elites have shit stats that's just how it works Jimmy also doesn't get great stats on any of his cards so both of those factors lead to bad stats if you want to see better ones look at the 82 that you can pull from the store and upgrade to 85 just like with Westbrook and Griffin the store elite at only 82 is much better then the free elite at 85

Yes, I am waiting for the YouTuber or any update over here to see the pulled jimmy , how's the stats when he been max up, hopefully can see it soon


Rookie 2
Most felt that Blake and Russ' stats were mediocre as well, but it turned out their stats weren't telling the whole picture and they were better than their stats.

Griffin & Westbrook were issues when 85 elite cards were rare.
Now it is not such an attraction when legends start with 87/8.
And??? Neither are Westbrook & Griffin. This card is killing me at SD already.

And with an elite token every 1st win, you will max him in 2 weeks. I've him at 79 already.
This kind of stat fixation is what causes people to fork out for Ray Allen and then complain that he('s trash because he doesn't make every single shot. Personally, I was hoping Butler would be a balanced SG but defense SG is still a weak point for me since I had been waiting for Harden Ch 3 to drop.

Elevate, Flashbacks and Next Gen are always going to be at the lower end of the OVR curve but they're easily obtainable compared to the long grind for a single Superstar or Legend player. And the coming promo won't be easy either. There is no elite trade in set and elites will be more expensive than in the early part of the Halloween promo. Not only that, but the requirements to get an 89 OVR card will be steep if past promos are anything to go by.

If you're only concerned with your NBA lineup then Butler probably isn't worth it but if you want to build your DEF lineup you should do it. And fortunately, you can upgrade Ingram at the same time.


All-Star 1
He'll have 3 primary stats over 80 when maxed. That's not too bad. Secondary stats look like crap as only one will be at 80 when he's maxed. I've got him at 84, haven't played with him yet though. Didn't cost too much considering the price for other 85s and like Commond said, you can max out Ingram too. That helps out F2p in getting main lineup to 86 so I'm not gonna complain.

The elite token with 1st win is a nice handout from EA too, since you only has a chance prior to today. I'd recommend grinding these events to save tokens once you get Butler & Ingram maxed bc that's how I got Butler to 84 already. I was sitting on a couple hundred unopened token packs. I'm hoping the same thing works for Next Gen if they update those players


All-Star 3
He'll have 3 primary stats over 80 when maxed. That's not too bad. Secondary stats look like crap as only one will be at 80 when he's maxed. I've got him at 84, haven't played with him yet though. Didn't cost too much considering the price for other 85s and like Commond said, you can max out Ingram too. That helps out F2p in getting main lineup to 86 so I'm not gonna complain.

The elite token with 1st win is a nice handout from EA too, since you only has a chance prior to today. I'd recommend grinding these events to save tokens once you get Butler & Ingram maxed bc that's how I got Butler to 84 already. I was sitting on a couple hundred unopened token packs. I'm hoping the same thing works for Next Gen if they update those players

Nice. Was curious to c how far u would get..
I think its great we get 2 cards which we can upgrade to 85..


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