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Dr J

Does anyone know if the 107 version will be auctionable like Carter? I heard people just bought the 107 Carter and only had to use 100 tokens to get the 108. So conceivably all you need is the tokens to get the final version IF the 107 will be auctionable.


All-Star 3
Does anyone know if the 107 version will be auctionable like Carter? I heard people just bought the 107 Carter and only had to use 100 tokens to get the 108. So conceivably all you need is the tokens to get the final version IF the 107 will be auctionable.
Guess will have to wait and watch


Pro 2
This month is by far the least excited I’ve been to complete a Monthly Master. All it means is my Street lineup goes from 107 to 108. Whoopie!


Pro 1
This month is by far the least excited I’ve been to complete a Monthly Master. All it means is my Street lineup goes from 107 to 108. Whoopie!
Yeah, I bought a court pass and I’m not really sure why. I’m more interested in the 1400 stamina than the extra tokens.


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