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Does the silver to master item exchange set give 1 of each type every time?


Rookie 1
Just wondering if you get a Shaq and LeBron item each time you do the set or if you can get 2 of one type. I've got enough silvers saved up to do the set 10 times but I might hold off on it for a while.

Also has anyone been given a master item token in the campaign events? I've done the 40 stamina event a whole load of times but never pulled anything but silvers


Rookie 1
Yes you get both shaq and lebron item each time you exchange silver players... you can also pull shaq or lebron master item in live event but the chances is very low. Ive pull 1 in almost 100+ tries


Rookie 1
Thanks for the responses guys. I guess if you get one of each I might as well build that 80 Shaq, or maybe I'll just save the golds for when the next LeBron unlocks. Although I feel like the 81 will be the highest attainable for someone who is f2p


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thanks for the responses guys. I guess if you get one of each I might as well build that 80 Shaq, or maybe I'll just save the golds for when the next LeBron unlocks. Although I feel like the 81 will be the highest attainable for someone who is f2p

The 83 requires 5 worries and the 85 requires 10 elites so it in fact is over for f2p


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