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December Monthly Master?


All-Star 1
Anyone hear anything about this? The sets give us 113s but the MM menu shows 115. If you look at those 115 cards, the stats appear to be correct for 115s so I don't think it's an artwork mistake.....??





All-Star 1
I also just realized that the 113 Master sets don't make sense. In past months....you got a Balanced card and got to choose the position. What is there to choose this time? A different picture??


Pro 2
LD howard is the same as ST howard, and ST shaq is the same as LD shaq, so then, besides dunking/blocking, which super Man is better... ?


Pro 2
Completing both 105 sets give you a balanced Magic jersey with +5 block/+5 dunk. completing both 113 sets gives you a Sharpshooter Magic jersey with +5 SWC/+5 Vertical.

also, the campaign shows balanced 115s for both cards, so I’m assuming there is more to come.


Pro 2
Completing both 105 sets give you a balanced Magic jersey with +5 block/+5 dunk. completing both 113 sets gives you a Sharpshooter Magic jersey with +5 SWC/+5 Vertical.

also, the campaign shows balanced 115s for both cards, so I’m assuming there is more to come.
either 105 and 113 gives u the jerseys right? i havent really looked at it because i was gonna use all my gold tokens for lebron (seeing how i Thought that was the last MM)
yeah it says its 6 WEEKS!!! :oops:
it also is part 1 campaign 😩


All-Star 1
Twitch video from EA yesterday confirmed there are 114 and 115 sets coming so no truth to the rumor you have to complete both to get the 115. I think it’s also clear s5 reset won’t happen until 2021. Promo is also confirmed to go thru December so my guess is the 114 and 115 sets are to fill the void of a partial MM in January when reset happens but I could be wrong. They said more info on reset in next 2 weeks so it’s definitely not aligning with new NBA season.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Twitch video from EA yesterday confirmed there are 114 and 115 sets coming so no truth to the rumor you have to complete both to get the 115. I think it’s also clear s5 reset won’t happen until 2021. Promo is also confirmed to go thru December so my guess is the 114 and 115 sets are to fill the void of a partial MM in January when reset happens but I could be wrong. They said more info on reset in next 2 weeks so it’s definitely not aligning with new NBA season.
I don't think you're wrong but it's dumb that they will reset the game over 3 weeks after the NBA season starts since they've had all this time to plan and haven't done shit with it


All-Star 1
I don't think you're wrong but it's dumb that they will reset the game over 3 weeks after the NBA season starts since they've had all this time to plan and haven't done shit with it
I agree but the CM said clearly the Christmas promo will run thru December. He remarked it’s a long multi-part promo. He said he’d have an update on s5 in the next two weeks (so it’s not coming by then) and combined with the Christmas promo info and the MM sets still to be dropped, it seems a forgone conclusion it’s not happening in 2020.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I agree but the CM said clearly the Christmas promo will run thru December. He remarked it’s a long multi-part promo. He said he’d have an update on s5 in the next two weeks (so it’s not coming by then) and combined with the Christmas promo info and the MM sets still to be dropped, it seems a forgone conclusion it’s not happening in 2020.
Oh no I'm not saying it will I'm saying it should have and they had plenty of time to ensure that but they failed


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